russian tourtise

  1. M

    Help my picky eater.

    I feel like I constantly post about my Russian tourtise. I spoil the crap out of him, and in turn he really walks all over me. At first I thought his issues with food were something internal or just wrong. He stopped eating all forms of lettuce, or anything leafy, and would only eat squash...
  2. M

    My tortoise

    So I recently build an outdoor enclosure for my RS named Tuttle. I will post pictures. He really loves it, and is really active. It's nice for him to get natural uv. I take him out when the weather is nice in the 85 range, and I make sure to monitor the weather and always keep watch on him. The...
  3. M

    Im worried about my tourtise.

    My Russian tourtise is recovering from a reapitory infection with the help of antibiotics. This has been going on for two weeks. I've noticed that he has been sleeping alot other them when I take him outside which he is SUPER active. I mean practically running a marathon active. Then came the...
  4. M

    I added a new substate in addition to the cypress mulch

    Hey everyone, I added a new substrate in addition to the cypress mulch. I wanted to get opinions and making sure I'm doing it right. It looks good and tuttle seems to enjoy it. But I notice that it keeps getting in his eyes and causes him to rub them. I've made sure to keep it very damp.
  5. M

    My Russian tourtise- I am an overthinker and need help.

    Hi! I made an account to post this and am excited to meet new people. I need help with my Russian tourtise named Tuttle. He is 8 years old and got him when he was around a year old. History: I changed his cage from a terrarium to basically what is a 6 × 3 box of wood less then a year ago. In the...