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  1. Bixi

    Just Sheldon

    Sheldon's shell is uniquely dark in that pic compared to most Sulcatas. That is a pretty beast! edit: I just saw the later pics, and that is neat... almost a maroon shell color.
  2. Bixi

    Bixi Update with pics! 6.30.18

    I try to post 3 month updates on Bixi, but it has been a while! I think it is about 6 months since my last update post. Bixi is doing great, and her shell growth is consistent (if not perfectly smooth). I have been working a lot with her this summer. She knows that "Come'ere" (ie. "Come...
  3. Bixi

    Bixi is growing fast

    oh wow thats cheap... well I know what I am doing this weekend... thank you!
  4. Bixi

    Bixi is growing fast

    Hey, I don't know if I trust the humidity monitor I have. It is a cheap-ish pet store monitor. It says humidity stays around 40-45%, and it goes up quite a bit when I mist her cage. It has been cold here, so I have been misting less. I still soak her once a week. I may need to just up the...
  5. Bixi

    Bixi is growing fast

    1yr old sulcata. I still can't get the pyramiding under control with humidity, a mix of grass and zoomed grassland diet and romaine lettuce, zoomed calcium D3 supplement, a cuttlefish bone, out-of-cage soaking, a walk-in water bowl, proper UVB, 2 heat sources, and plenty of living space. I have...
  6. Bixi

    Hello! And a question about scute appearance

    That looks pretty good. Keep the mat separate from the lights so Vlad doesn't overheat. Torts will sleep while warm, and could potentially harm themselves. It looks like you have it set up well, though. Pretty sulcata. My tort gets so dirty from digging... she looks like a dustbunny, heh.
  7. Bixi

    Bixi has an adoring father... (just a pic)

    Sorry, I love her too much, and I take too many pictures! Bixi looked so happy and so pretty on her grass mat earlier today that I had to take a pic... and I had to stick it on the forums. My pretty girl is just sunning and enjoying her warmth.. Mmmm, so snugly warm during this cold front...
  8. Bixi

    The lil Clunker

    My tort has loved, and I would highly suggest, getting a cuttlefish bone to drop into their habitat. You can find the bones at most fish/bird/reptile stores, or any general pet store. It is a good source of calcium and it helps them gnaw off any extra beak growth. I use the Reptical + Vit D3...
  9. Bixi

    New to tortoises, advice on heating

    You don't have to go expensive when it comes to an enclosure for the tort, but you should give the tort as much room as possible... That animal would basically roam all 3.5 acres of your land and still want more... so go as big as you are comfortable with (ie. as big as possible). When you build...
  10. Bixi

    Needing help understanding heat sources....

    "Lights off" is ideal for their sleep. Imagine if you slept next to a big heat light that was on all the time... Sulcata have seasonal patterns even though they aren't a hibernating species. Sulcata should be easier to deal with when it comes to those patterns, but they still want to sleep in...
  11. Bixi

    Sulcata temperatures

    I have a sulcata that is 1yr old. I have a ceramic heater for night, a UVB florescent bulb, and also a mercury heat bulb for day time. I run the florescent and the mercury bulb during the day. I run just the ceramic heat element at night. My tort's ceramic heater is aimed just above her main...
  12. Bixi

    Bixi is 1yr old!

    Thanks! She loves pumpkin and I think I am going to give her another treat tonight... She has only had it a couple of times in the course of a year, so why not? :P
  13. Bixi

    Hello! And a question about scute appearance

    Ya, i agree with the others. Just provide warm humidity when possible to keep the new growth from drying out. Pretty tortoise! Nice big guy.
  14. Bixi

    Bixi is 1yr old!

    I dont have a scale, but i estimate 3/4-1lb. Bixi is fairly small for her age which lends credence to me continuing to call her a girl. Her scutes seem female, but we wont know for a while.
  15. Bixi

    Bixi is 1yr old!

    She gets thawed pumpkin leftover from halloween as a treat. i got Bixi in mid-January of last year, and she was obviously only a few weeks old when i got her, so i have designated early January as her birthday time! She is still growing nicely and not too fast. She seems super healthy, and she...
  16. Bixi

    Bixi Update (size comparison with pics!) 12.12.2017

    She has a 4ftX4ft enclosure with 3-5inches of substrate and multiple warm hides. She has a large, shallow waterbowl, a mercury heat lamp, ceramic lamp for night, a uvb florecent bulb, and a large grass nest. She should be fine in that enclosure until she gets a bit bigger. I will probably have...
  17. Bixi

    Bixi Update (size comparison with pics!) 12.12.2017

    I wanted to edit this thread, but I was too late. I apologize for responding to my own thread. I did want to add a side-note. If anyone knowledgeable thinks that her pyramiding is too severe, or if they see anything else to be worried about from these pics, please let me know. I can upload...
  18. Bixi

    Bixi Update (size comparison with pics!) 12.12.2017

    Bixi is still doing well. I have been trying to interact with her more and more recently. After her illness she became very shy (probably because of receiving shots). I have been handling her, letting her go on walks, and soak in the bathtub more frequently. I am trying to associate my voice...
  19. Bixi

    Halloween = Tortoise's favorite holiday

    Gotcha, I will make sure she isn't ever trying to eat stuff from the carpet. She does sniff around a lot, but I haven't seen her try to chomp on anything, yet. We vacuum enough that I hope it's not a problem... on that note... Bixi HATES the vacuum. She runs circles around her enclosure when...
  20. Bixi

    General questions (about his nose)

    As others have said, looks normal, imo. I have only had my sulcata for 11months, but she can be a bit dry on the face. She also gets dark stains around her mouth from eating softer/moist foods. If you are worried about respiratory infection, you may notice her blowing bubbles out of her...