Search results

  1. landonewts

    My turtle decided to hibernate - too late?

    A few months ago I adopted an Ornate Box Turtle from the shelter where I work. She was rescued from an unheated shed, where she had been living with 6 other tortoises in a plastic wading pool. She may be between 5-10 years old, at her size she is fully grown. I got her a proper habitat - a...
  2. landonewts

    New member from Portland, OR

    Hello, everyone - I live in Portland, OR and am adopting an Ornate Box Turtle today. It's an adult, around 4-5" - I don't even know yet if male or female. I'm so excited! They will be in a tank terrarium temporarily for the first 2 days - with paper on the outside, since I know turtles try...