Search results

  1. J

    Land area build, the beginning.

    what a great idea nice job
  2. J

    PINK Albino Stink

    very little one
  3. J

    Albino Mississippi Mud Turtle

    its really pinkkkkk i never see a albino mississippi mud
  4. J

    Little Jade-- Our white Leopard tortoise

    what a nice little guy
  5. J

    Some pics from the park today

    its cold outside
  6. J

    Male or female?

  7. J

    Shipping Large Sulcata Tortoise

    i live in NY too and i dont recommend that you ship out the tortoise at this climate
  8. J

    New rescue, ID please

    I'm petting water turtles and known many of them. But I can't tell this one. But It's sick
  9. J

    Is my sulcata carapace developing normally?

    It looks good but if u can apply vitamin I think will more better
  10. J

    Black or white

    Very beautiful albino
  11. J

    3 New Hatchlings

    OMG they are very cute! Hope they will grow up healthy
  12. J

    Male or Female?! I'm confused..

    Please make the picture clearly Looks like a male. Nothing can tell if u keep posting unqualified picture
  13. J

    Mississippi map turtle help

    1 keep the water condition 2 keep disinfection for the tank 3 you can put the turtle into the water that contains 25% of salt for 15-20 mins 4 everyday keep feeding vitamin E for the turtle for 10-15 days (about 60-90mg per 2LB)