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  1. R

    Fish for musk turtle

    I keep bullhead catfish with my musk turtles and everyone gets along fine.
  2. R

    Cherryhead plastron

    I'm not sure the whiteness is due to dryness. I do a good job to make sure they're rarely dry, but I still won't completely rule it out. As for the wrinkle, it would be nice if that was just from the egg sack. If it helps any, the plastron doesn't seem to be soft/mushy or flakey at all...
  3. R

    Cherryhead plastron

    I keep it damp, but not puddling up wet. Sometimes the substrate on the hotter side dries up, but I re-wet it. The humid hide always stays damp and they use it. Like I said, it came to me this way and hasn't really gotten worse, but hasn't gotten better either.
  4. R

    Cherryhead plastron

    I ordered a baby cherry head a couple of weeks ago. It showed up to me with some white on the plastron and a strange wrinkled looking area near the center and some whiteness on the new growth of the shell (doesn't look like marbling). Very timid eater at first and still doesn't chow down like a...