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  1. M

    Turtle species identification

  2. M

    What species is this??

    Recieved this little bugger today but i dont know what species it is?
  3. M

    Expired Dried gammarus still good or no?

    It expired a couple of months ago, do I throw it away or nah?
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    new golden thread turtle wont open eyes

    So i bought today a ocadia (golden thread turtle) and she is the cutest thing ever. when i was heading home,she was just fine,however,when i put her in my turtle tank,she closed her eyes... She swims and explores,with her eyes closed... Is this bad?She was fine in the store and on our way home...
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    What turtle species can coexist with common musk turtles?

    I plan on buying a new tub for the little guy and I plan on buying another turtle, thing is, I don't know if they will get along. Is there any turtle species that can live with a common musk in peace? Sliders? Snapping?
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    Will this lamp work ?

    Hi guys,since this forum has been helping me a lot,i'd figured i might as well ask whenever i need advice. i have this bulb that says in the box N1 Basking reptile bulb,or something like that. It also says it provides Sunlight and UVA,i dont see UVB written anywhere...And i know that turtles...
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    Filtration advice

    So my friend got two snapping turtle hatchlings,and they are the most adorable thing in the planet. He sent me this pick of his enclosure,and i realized that he does not have a filter nor a heater.Maybe he does not have a heater due to his house being warm,but shouldn't he have a filter?I asked...
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    Weird clicking noise at night

    I'll be in my bed with the lights off, when all of a sudden I hear a clicking sound from my turtle tank, like, pebbles clicking. I turn the lights on and my turtle is sleeping(or so I think). What can this clicking sound be... It's not the filter nor the heater.
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    White things wiggling around tank glass

    I'm not sure if it's visible in the picture, but there is alot of them in the glass and the floor of the tank, any clue of what it is?
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    Heat bulb vs uvb bulb

    I have a uvb bulb and a heat bulb, the problem is that the uvb bulb does not produce heat, so I thought that the heat bulb would be better, but I know that the turtle needs uvb. Which one do I use guys?
  11. M

    What kind of turtle is this

    I bought it but they didn't tell me what kind it was, does anyone know?