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  1. C

    Hermann male has be inside

    Male Hermann at least 3 years old is inside because of the weather. I let him roam on my floor in an inclosed area for several hours a day with basking lamps if he needs them. However. He's managed to find an area at the edge of my fireplace and got wedged between it and the wall and it has...
  2. C

    Missing Male

    My husband died and I was distraught and did not check the outside pen and one of my male Hermann's got out. I've looked everywhere. I was hoping to use some female scent to lure him back to the pen. Is there anywhere I can purchase female Hermann tortoise scent? This is the' last ditch...
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    Can Hermann's eat fungi

    Agrocbe ctylindraces Fungi mushroom belongs to white rot fungi. Cultivated commercially used in Chinse cooking. Some can be poisonous to humans.
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    humidity and bathing

    My two Hermanns aboth males absolutely hate their soakings. Both are about 3 years old. One absolutely hate it and the other tolerates it. Also on humidity, They hid every time I tried to use an automatic humidity unit so I got rid of that thing. Is this normal for Hermanns to hate water and...
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    Glcan hermanns eat gardenia flowers

    Got lots of gardenias. Can Hermann eat?
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    3 year old Hermann keeps flipping

    My mail 3 year old keeps flipping in his indoor enclosure. He's doing in on the sides which are flat and vertical. He's standing on his hind legs as far up as possible and flips and can't turn back over. He does this multiple times daily. I don't know what to do about it. I have to wait at...
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    Wandering Jew

    Can Hermann eat the purple heart wondering jewelry plant.
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    Can Hermann tortoises eat tomato plants? I have grown lots from seeds and have extras and was wondering if they could eat the plants.
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    Daitomaceous earth for red black ants

    Is it safe for Hermann tortoises to use in an outside pen to control red and black ants?
  10. C

    New to the forum.

    I've had my Hermann tortoises for just over a year. I was told that I had a male and a female but I think they are both males. One is more aggressive to the other one. Just trying to mate all the time. I separate into another habitat when the smaller one appears to have had enough, running...