Pretend chat 2

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Jul 15, 2012
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I should say, we liked the first place best. But we have no clue how much it would cost to fix the FROG/carport. It would need demo, re-pouring slab, and then could probably re-build the garage further back into the lot to allow it to actually have closing doors and a turn around spot. Then the FROG could be built larger as well and attached to the house instead of entry via the porch. Would probably up the value of the home since it'd be adding a larger garage, larger living space, and solve the weird driveway situation. Dunno.. it'd be a lot of money to throw around, but the yard was so HUGE and already fenced in and in a neighborhood we really like. Going to think on it, but my boyfriend says he's tempted to throw out a lowball offer since it's been on the market for over 200 days. Would definitely get an inspection done though. They recently redid all the floors and counters in probably an attempt to get it to sell by looking nicer. The buyer's agent said it's probably not selling because it lacks a garage, the driveway is steep, and the 4th bedroom has to be entered from outside the house. At least it's liveable even without renovations, unlike the others we've seen as of late. Such a huge decision though... But if we do a lowball offer it'd be IF it passes inspection as well.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Pretend chat... More like Kim kills it with rambling. But I made strawberry peach jam!


As you can tell, the third from left has most of the peach bits that floated. A lot of people throw out that portion but I save it for myself and gift the "pretty" ones. I need to make like 3 more batches of jam but the stores locally are out of my jam size jars.
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RosieRedfoot said:
I should say, we liked the first place best. But we have no clue how much it would cost to fix the FROG/carport. It would need demo, re-pouring slab, and then could probably re-build the garage further back into the lot to allow it to actually have closing doors and a turn around spot. Then the FROG could be built larger as well and attached to the house instead of entry via the porch. Would probably up the value of the home since it'd be adding a larger garage, larger living space, and solve the weird driveway situation. Dunno.. it'd be a lot of money to throw around, but the yard was so HUGE and already fenced in and in a neighborhood we really like. Going to think on it, but my boyfriend says he's tempted to throw out a lowball offer since it's been on the market for over 200 days. Would definitely get an inspection done though. They recently redid all the floors and counters in probably an attempt to get it to sell by looking nicer. The buyer's agent said it's probably not selling because it lacks a garage, the driveway is steep, and the 4th bedroom has to be entered from outside the house. At least it's liveable even without renovations, unlike the others we've seen as of late. Such a huge decision though... But if we do a lowball offer it'd be IF it passes inspection as well.

Sometimes a big risk comes with a big reward. I got the main living areas in good condition before moving in and then renovated room by room.


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Jacqui said:
CourtneyAndCarl said:
Hey everybody! Long time no chat!

Back to school again?

It just started today for me!

I hate English in general but my English Short Stories teacher loves me (even though I'm probably the only non-English major kid there) because I was the only person in the class that knew who Washington Irving was.

My Physics teacher is really funny and seems like he will make the class easy but he has such a heavy Russian accent that I could only understand about half the lecture.

THEN I'm in an Environmental Remote Sensing class... there are 7 people in the whole room, including the professor. I'm the only one under the age of 30, and also the only one that hasn't already received at least one Bachelor's degree.... so it's pretty awkward in there for me, haha. We all introduced ourselves and everyone was listing off all these accomplishments and talking about family and work and I'm like "ummm hiiii, I'm a sophomore and I have no idea what I'm gonna do with my life"


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Aug 23, 2012
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Kim, that looks yummy. I wish I was there to help you store them ::p Did all you guys check out my post on Baby Runt's progress. She is officially three pounds now!!!

RosieRedfoot said:
Pretend chat... More like Kim kills it with rambling. But I made strawberry peach jam!

As you can tell, the third from left has most of the peach bits that floated. A lot of people throw out that portion but I save it for myself and gift the "pretty" ones. I need to make like 3 more batches of jam but the stores locally are out of my jam size jars.


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Jul 15, 2012
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Columbia, SC
Thanks! I made peach preserves as well. I think both of them aren't as thick as my last jam batch but probably just as tasty!

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West Bloomfield MI
sibi said:
Kim, that looks yummy. I wish I was there to help you store them ::p Did all you guys check out my post on Baby Runt's progress. She is officially three pounds now!!!

RosieRedfoot said:
Pretend chat... More like Kim kills it with rambling. But I made strawberry peach jam!

As you can tell, the third from left has most of the peach bits that floated. A lot of people throw out that portion but I save it for myself and gift the "pretty" ones. I need to make like 3 more batches of jam but the stores locally are out of my jam size jars.

Holy crud, baby runt is growing quickly. :D Good care leads to good growth.

RosieRedfoot said:
Thanks! I made peach preserves as well. I think both of them aren't as thick as my last jam batch but probably just as tasty!

I love preserves and I love peaches but those are like jars of happy death for me. :p


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Aug 23, 2012
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Hey guys, I heard from Erin today. All is fine with Baby Rand. She's just super busy with the kids going back to school and trying to keep Rand calm and rested. As usual, she's a supermom...and has held it all together. I'm so relieved.:::p. I think she'll write later on.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Grandpa Turtle 144 said:
Kerryann they are just trying to think how to keep you bizzy and get the preserves

I know... No preserves got me :(

sibi said:
Hey guys, I heard from Erin today. All is fine with Baby Rand. She's just super busy with the kids going back to school and trying to keep Rand calm and rested. As usual, she's a supermom...and has held it all together. I'm so relieved.:::p. I think she'll write later on.
That's what my brain said in an optimistic voice but I'm glad we have confirmation.
I had my new intern started today. I have to channel his energy and focus him.


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I know, you practically called it. Erin was just super busy and trying to care for Rand.

Hey Cowboy, are you checking in from time to time? I want to to see Baby Runt's new pic. He's three pounds now!!


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
I know, you practically called it. Erin was just super busy and trying to care for Rand.

Hey Cowboy, are you checking in from time to time? I want to to see Baby Runt's new pic. He's three pounds now!!

How's the little guy doing his with his recovery?


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She's trying to ha e him rest as much as possible and keep him calm amidst all the chaos with school and extracurricular activities. Erin is a trooper, though. She handles it just fine. I guess Ra d is doing great. Thank God.


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Jan 17, 2011
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Hi all, this was perfect timing for me to come on:). I was trying to catch up on the pages I missed. Rand is doing so well it is miraculous! His ox sat level has never been above 94 on a good day and now he is living at 100%. His lung and right side of his heart damage are already gone and his heart has shrunk to a normal three year old boys heart! He feels great and it really shows. The difference in this new Rand compared to the old is shocking to us! I had a check up with his pulmonilogust and as I was leaving I stopped at the desk to make another appointment. The doctor saw me and said, call us if you need us but I suspect his asthma and chronic pnuemonia have been cured. It's all wonderful but still hard to grasp.

Okay, so in catching up....

Kim, I love the descriptions of all of the houses! It will be so cool to see what you do end up picking.

Kerryann, is your new intern hot? I feel like no or that would have been mentioned!

And Baby Runt is going to have to change his name soon!!

What else is new?


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Yay! Glad to hear it :) I knew he had to be keeping her busy.

Ugh, realized I have work in 7 hours and am not tired enough for sleep. So going to be a zombie tomorrow.

There are also a few more potential homes. One of them I really like and it has everything we want and has been on the market a while. It's 160k vs the 130-140k price range we want but we could possibly get enough for a higher downpayment in 1-3 months. Not touring it yet since don't want to fall in love with a place and not be able to afford it. House hunting seems so easy on tv, haha.


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Nothing much has changed except that Cowboy is working outside the homestead now. I think he does that a few days a week, and he's loving it last we heard. We don't hear from him as much, though. My thumb is still healing. I have a small infection that's a bit stubborn, but healing for me is going to take a long time. Aside from that, we're glad you're back:)


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sibi said:
Nothing much has changed except that Cowboy is working outside the homestead now. I think he does that a few days a week, and he's loving it last we heard. We don't hear from him as much, though. My thumb is still healing. I have a small infection that's a bit stubborn, but healing for me is going to take a long time. Aside from that, we're glad you're back:)

That is all great to hear! Is your thumb still in pain?

How's Jacqui?


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Mrs. C. , finally. Gosh!

I'm very relieved to hear/read that Rand is doing so good. I can't wait to see the stories of youngin mischief making he'll put you and Rob through.

And in case you missed it; did you hear the one about the Cowboy in a bar with his tortoise it?ImageUploadedByTortForum1377660410.238929.jpg
A beautiful female I picked up for Stanley.

*out, not it
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Cowboy_Ken said:
Mrs. C. , finally. Gosh!

I'm very relieved to hear/read that Rand is doing so good. I can't wait to see the stories of youngin mischief making he'll put you and Rob through.

And in case you missed it; did you hear the one about the Cowboy in a bar with his tortoise it?
A beautiful female I picked up for Stanley.

*out, not it

I LOVE this pic! How come after everyone asking, no one is freaking out because you finally showed a pic of yourself? She is one good looking female!
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