Recent content by Tequila

  1. Tequila

    Can I feed my Sulcata Coccoloba Uvifera?

    This plant is everywhere where I live but Since there is not information regarding feeding it to tortoises I wont be the “first one” to figure that out. Thank you so much guys for your help
  2. Tequila

    Can I feed my Sulcata Coccoloba Uvifera?

    Thanks Carol
  3. Tequila

    Can I feed my Sulcata Coccoloba Uvifera?

    Hi Carol, I didnt find anything related to this plant. I’ll avoid it for now. My issue is that as a new owner I dont have anything but Hibiscus to feed my sulcata. Im growing many plants to feed him/her but it wont be available for a few months. Anyway thanks for replying.
  4. Tequila

    Can I feed my Sulcata Coccoloba Uvifera?

    well, no replies. I guess I'll find something else .
  5. Tequila

    Can I feed my Sulcata Coccoloba Uvifera?

    I saw somewhere in this forum ( dont remember where) that we can feed Sea Grape to Sulcatas. I just want to know if sea grape is the same as Coccoloba Uvifera and I can feed my Sulcata the leaves of this tree.
  6. Tequila

    Sulcata tortoise tips?

    Is sea grape under tree list the same as coccoloba uvifera? Can i feed my sulcata this leave?