Recent content by Mrs.Robinson

  1. M

    New addition

    She's beautiful!
  2. M


    Awe sooo freakin' cute!:D
  3. M

    Diamondback stack....

    They are sooo beautiful! I love how turtles stack on top of each other.
  4. M

    Help! Diamondback terrapin health my turtle sick?

    She probably doesn't have heart disease, mine was just susceptible to ri cause of the heart disease. The listing to one side can mean pneumonia. My tank water sits around 80 and my little girls is just fine, but shes a Mississippi map turtle. My old girls tank was a bit warmer cause she was...
  5. M

    "Fast Eddie" not eating

    Oh it feels awesome!!! I am so happy that hes eating! I feel that we have really bonded as well. He defiantly knows who I am and when I talk at the tank he comes out of his hides and wants out. Then if I take him out side he crawls all over me . Never really going too far. Not that I count...
  6. M

    "Fast Eddie" not eating

    He's finally eating!!! It only took six months. Ugh such a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders!!! Thank you so very much every one!:D:D:D:D
  7. M

    Eye-less Trachemys

    That's amazing. It blows me away how adaptable some animals are. What a trooper!
  8. M

    New Kameya Pond

    They look very happy:)
  9. M

    Help! Diamondback terrapin health my turtle sick?

    I had a 25 year old RES and she had heart disease. The reptile specialist that I got to said that one of the signs that I would need to bring her in immediately if she started breathing out of her mouth. I don't mean to scare you they are different species but i would take her in to get him /...
  10. M

    Mush and Yoizel, my CDT's enjoying a hibiscus treat!

    What a great shot!!! Love their eyes:) Thanks for sharing:)
  11. M

    Baby update

    OMG so cute! I got my guy when he was two so I never got to see him as a baby. How small is he?
  12. M

    Female Laying second egg of the season. Now Breeding again :o

    Where are you located? Do you plan on selling your baby?
  13. M

    "Fast Eddie" not eating

    Yah he's eating his mixture daily now and lots of it? Seems odd but can't complaining something is better than nothing. When I feed it to him I have started outing a piece of lettuce in there with him and hopefully he will just eat it one day.. I really can't express how grateful:D i am to...
  14. M

    "Fast Eddie" not eating

    I want to say a huge thank you for all of your ideas and help. And a special thank you to EKLC for the puree pumpkin idea. As of a week ago he got down to 169g which was very scary! I had been giving him pumpkin baths and he was drinking it but it wasn't really helping with his weight...
  15. M

    "Fast Eddie" not eating

    So another update on my little buddy... The vet said that the diarrhea is just cause his body is getting use to eating foods that he should be eating again and if it persists for more that three times then to bring him in. Yah his tests have come back negative three times for parasites. He...