Possible enclosure?

Possible enclosure?

Hi I’m trying to provide a home for my Sulcata. I found this for $40. Do you think I could hook up lighting through the back and hang from the ceiling? Any advice would be greatly appreciated... I’ve already invested/wasted money on pet store crap that was based on bad advice. Now, I wanna hear from the experts... you guys! Thanks sooo much!
@LaSunshine I'm no expert, but I have always thought that a display case would be a great option for a tortoise enclosure while the tortoise was small. Just make sure the flooring is waterproof....put vinyl floor or somethign in to line it...and make sure you keep the humidity and temps right. Also, you would probably want to put something along the bottom front of the case to block the tortie's view outside. If he can see outside, he will run himself crazy trying to escape. So...since it is glass, just tape paper over it or something like that.

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