To the new people of the forum!

Nov 10, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New York
Do you have pics of your torts?
I had pics on my tablet that was lost in a home burglary but maybe a friend can help me get the pics from Google I will C. Their winter turtle dome was made of 2 inch foam lined with plastic mattress liners filled with garden soil topped with cypress mulch it had fake plants and deer horns and other stuff to break up the open scenery. I fed them on pieces of vermont slate that I switched out regular to keep sanitary and a dish for soaking and two watering containers that were gravity fed.A cedar box at one end turned on it's side with a towel covering the opening to allow entry equipped with a heating pad under a boot tray inside. The floor of the hide was wcovered w forest floor coconut husks. At the other end I hung a towel to act as another hide.the ceiling was widows from a camp that kept humidity in an allowed the UVB light in. At night I used a red heat lamp. the enclosure had a heat emitter in it and an electric heater under it. The temps were 80 to 95 degrees and varied little. Now I am moving and housetting were their setup is not as good as I like but when I get into a new place It will be better. I do all I can to compensate for the short comings with the temporary setup including electric heaters on the floor and frequently filling the bathroom with humidity from the shower and spray bottle soakings along with baths. Believe me they have it better than the dry 40 gal. Aquarium I found them in with no hide whatsoever.
My dog is well mannered and trained and not left alone with the turtles out,but if I had any doubt he would hurt them I would not allow them to interact. The torts have come to accept him and walk right up to and even climb over his legs at times. I take exception when You think he will hurt them.or that I allow them to interact without me there. Of course something can always happen but wonder if everyone here has not lost a tort before it's time? People often think my dog is a trained service dog because of how he behaves and helps me with my disabilities.
Nov 10, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New York
I had pics on my tablet that was lost in a home burglary but maybe a friend can help me get the pics from Google I will C. Their winter turtle dome was made of 2 inch foam lined with plastic mattress liners filled with garden soil topped with cypress mulch it had fake plants and deer horns and other stuff to break up the open scenery. I fed them on pieces of vermont slate that I switched out regular to keep sanitary and a dish for soaking and two watering containers that were gravity fed.A cedar box at one end turned on it's side with a towel covering the opening to allow entry equipped with a heating pad under a boot tray inside. The floor of the hide was wcovered w forest floor coconut husks. At the other end I hung a towel to act as another hide.the ceiling was widows from a camp that kept humidity in an allowed the UVB light in. At night I used a red heat lamp. the enclosure had a heat emitter in it and an electric heater under it. The temps were 80 to 95 degrees and varied little. Now I am moving and housetting were their setup is not as good as I like but when I get into a new place It will be better. I do all I can to compensate for the short comings with the temporary setup including electric heaters on the floor and frequently filling the bathroom with humidity from the shower and spray bottle soakings along with baths. Believe me they have it better than the dry 40 gal. Aquarium I found them in with no hide whatsoever.
My dog is well mannered and trained and not left alone with the turtles out,but if I had any doubt he would hurt them I would not allow them to interact. The torts have come to accept him and walk right up to and even climb over his legs at times. I take exception when You think he will hurt them.or that I allow them to interact without me there. Of course something can always happen but wonder if everyone here has not lost a tort before it's time? People often think my dog is a trained service dog because of how he behaves and helps me with my disabilities.
I Meant to say anyone here not everyone here has lost a tort before it's time. I hope that people understand that I am devoted to the care of my pets and am told often that I am seen to treat my pets better than many parents do their children.Sadly I believe it the truth.I have always thought it uncaring to support the exotic pet trade with so much abuse that occurs. I did not seek out these torts but happened upon them as fate would have it and now accept the responsibility to do all I can for them.


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Sep 25, 2018
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I Meant to say anyone here not everyone here has lost a tort before it's time. I hope that people understand that I am devoted to the care of my pets and am told often that I am seen to treat my pets better than many parents do their children.Sadly I believe it the truth.I have always thought it uncaring to support the exotic pet trade with so much abuse that occurs. I did not seek out these torts but happened upon them as fate would have it and now accept the responsibility to do all I can for them.

The people of this forum are here to help and support others. Many on here are species experts in tort and turt care whether they want to admit it or not. The advice given is based on experience and time tested methods to better these animals lives. Many members on this forum are amazing breeders and a few have written the care sheets on this forum through decades of trial and error.

I can attest that every one giving advice has your torts health and well-being as the utmost importance. This advice is yours to chew on and do what you will with it. The point is to keep others from making the same mistakes as we have and ensure their tort has the best chance at a wonderful life and free from common mistakes that we see on here day to day. Educating everyone on proper care in hopes that this info will spread to people outside the forum as there are a lot of traditional breeders and owners who could benefit from it. That's the goal anyway. The only thing we ask in return is pics of your tort and enclosure. We love to oogle over pictures of them. It's what we do.

Torts of all species have different personalities or temperaments for some of you. It's amazing to watch them interact and do their tort stuff. Some remind me of children and teenagers. They are all interesting with them being individuals with different personalities or temperaments.
Nov 10, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New York
The people of this forum are here to help and support others. Many on here are species experts in tort and turt care whether they want to admit it or not. The advice given is based on experience and time tested methods to better these animals lives. Many members on this forum are amazing breeders and a few have written the care sheets on this forum through decades of trial and error.

I can attest that every one giving advice has your torts health and well-being as the utmost importance. This advice is yours to chew on and do what you will with it. The point is to keep others from making the same mistakes as we have and ensure their tort has the best chance at a wonderful life and free from common mistakes that we see on here day to day. Educating everyone on proper care in hopes that this info will spread to people outside the forum as there are a lot of traditional breeders and owners who could benefit from it. That's the goal anyway. The only thing we ask in return is pics of your tort and enclosure. We love to oogle over pictures of them. It's what we do.

Torts of all species have different personalities or temperaments for some of you. It's amazing to watch them interact and do their tort stuff. Some remind me of children and teenagers. They are all interesting with them being individuals with different personalities or temperaments.
My tablet with pics was stolen more than a year ago with the pics of my "turtle dome" and now am no longer in that house.My phone is down and I use another not knowing if I can somehow access the old photos but might get help tonight.I have given a pretty good description of how these torts lived last two winter's.Now I do what I can in these temporary quarters and believe it was a missunderstanding that I allow torts to run around 24 7 in unsuitable environment. i know that is not good but wonder what harm could it be to have an indoor enclosure that they can come and go in and out of at will.I plan this sort of thing when I get settled in because I am single and clean devote that kind of space and my torts WILLINGLY approach and interact with people. If they wish to exit their enclosure and can easily get back in what harm might it be as I said but maybe was not read as long as the rooms are " babyproffed"? I understand they have needs to be met but think that they enjoy interacting with people maybe they just look for food but I think not. I know they enjoy the chin scratching and foot rubs so is that bad that I don't just shut them in a box only to be fed? I think there is just missunderstanding that I don't provide humidity and hides and a stone to file their nails.I do and can't help but think they like my company and touch.I am more than a lettuce vending machine.Please don't think I don't respect their expertise and appreciate their opinion input and effort.If I didn't I would not haunch over this phone and endure then pain it causes.Thanks to all of you.Right or wrong because there are certainly differing opinions out there from many experts. Some say feed Redfoots fruit others say never? I give a little thinking they must occasionally find it in the wild?.Again thanks for all You all do

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I always intended to find a new home for the torts I aquired but when they began to interact and respond to myself and others I began to worry that the new home I would give them up to would be inadiquit for the ones I had grown to care about.Further more I worry that another new home would be stressfull on them and really not beneficial for them.I know they should and I pray will outlive me so I am always looking for their next home.I must because I care.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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My tablet with pics was stolen more than a year ago with the pics of my "turtle dome" and now am no longer in that house.My phone is down and I use another not knowing if I can somehow access the old photos but might get help tonight.I have given a pretty good description of how these torts lived last two winter's.Now I do what I can in these temporary quarters and believe it was a missunderstanding that I allow torts to run around 24 7 in unsuitable environment. i know that is not good but wonder what harm could it be to have an indoor enclosure that they can come and go in and out of at will.I plan this sort of thing when I get settled in because I am single and clean devote that kind of space and my torts WILLINGLY approach and interact with people. If they wish to exit their enclosure and can easily get back in what harm might it be as I said but maybe was not read as long as the rooms are " babyproffed"? I understand they have needs to be met but think that they enjoy interacting with people maybe they just look for food but I think not. I know they enjoy the chin scratching and foot rubs so is that bad that I don't just shut them in a box only to be fed? I think there is just missunderstanding that I don't provide humidity and hides and a stone to file their nails.I do and can't help but think they like my company and touch.I am more than a lettuce vending machine.Please don't think I don't respect their expertise and appreciate their opinion input and effort.If I didn't I would not haunch over this phone and endure then pain it causes.Thanks to all of you.Right or wrong because there are certainly differing opinions out there from many experts. Some say feed Redfoots fruit others say never? I give a little thinking they must occasionally find it in the wild?.Again thanks for all You all do
My first tortoise experience was wild tortoises. So...I watched my Russian doing his thing in one room. I learned a lot just by watching. I did eventually put him in an enclosure but I really needed that time watching him to build a safe one.
Nov 10, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New York
My first tortoise experience was wild tortoises. So...I watched my Russian doing his thing in one room. I learned a lot just by watching. I did eventually put him in an enclosure but I really needed that time watching him to build a safe one.
My only experience is with my two 7 and 8 yr.old( I think, how does one age them?) Redfoots, that have been under my care for 2 yrs now. Reading stories here and watching Utube and reading books leave me thinking how much I missed as Danny and Danielle grew up.I wonder too " are other species just as interesting "?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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My only experience is with my two 7 and 8 yr.old( I think, how does one age them?) Redfoots, that have been under my care for 2 yrs now. Reading stories here and watching Utube and reading books leave me thinking how much I missed as Danny and Danielle grew up.I wonder too " are other species just as interesting "?
Yes. My probably 17 year old Russian is hilariously funny. He makes me think.if there is a way for him to get in trouble he'll find it. And he's just a little guy.


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Sep 25, 2018
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All species of torts are interesting and they all have their own quirks. Check out videos of each specie on youtube. you will see a lot of different quirks from each species. It awesome watching different torts with different personalities.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2015
Great post Drew54!

I think it is usually passion mistaken as rudeness. These experienced keepers have most likely learned the hard way, school of lost torts so they want owners to act quick, listen to advice and avoid losing their torts. Many of them probably wish they had more mentors when they were beginners. I pick my doctors by skill, if they have a good bedside manner that's a plus. :) same with here, I would rather gain the knowledge the more experienced keepers have to share and let my emotions take the back seat.
Nov 10, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New York
Great post Drew54!

I think it is usually passion mistaken as rudeness. These experienced keepers have most likely learned the hard way, school of lost torts so they want owners to act quick, listen to advice and avoid losing their torts. Many of them probably wish they had more mentors when they were beginners. I pick my doctors by skill, if they have a good bedside manner that's a plus. :) same with here, I would rather gain the knowledge the more experienced keepers have to share and let my emotions take the back seat.
How is it that you know anything about a doctor before or even after you pick them up? "If doctor shopping is wrong I don't want to be right"


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Sep 25, 2018
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I think we are going to have to put you in a bubble if you don't stop breaking yourself.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Great post Drew54!

I think it is usually passion mistaken as rudeness. These experienced keepers have most likely learned the hard way, school of lost torts so they want owners to act quick, listen to advice and avoid losing their torts. Many of them probably wish they had more mentors when they were beginners. I pick my doctors by skill, if they have a good bedside manner that's a plus. :) same with here, I would rather gain the knowledge the more experienced keepers have to share and let my emotions take the back seat.
I think I finally found my just in case vet.hoping and praying...

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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now that's funny!
when you break yourself like i do you get good at picking them. sometimes i get lucky with a good one waiting on me to arrive at the hospital in the ambulance. they pick me at that point i guess. the word gets around quick about!

kiddies, stay away from motosports and such...
I wanna quit that too...real soon...if u find the secret...tell me. Last episode was 2 fractured ribs in October.
Nov 10, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New York
I wanna quit that too...real soon...if u find the secret...tell me. Last episode was 2 fractured ribs in October.
I can without hesitation say that quite a few times I have however you want to put it been face-to-face with death. Whooping cough as an infant, my sister give me crystal Drano as a toddler, burnt down a two-story chicken coop with me in it, was Robed stabbed in the kidney and Left 4 Dead while hitchhiking but never have I ever"broken myself"that is until I " spoke" with surfergirl.I and now the proud owner of one broken middle finger that I love to show off.and I can't help but think surfer girl had something to do with it. Somehow! And I can't say thank you enough!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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My only experience is with my two 7 and 8 yr.old( I think, how does one age them?) Redfoots, that have been under my care for 2 yrs now. Reading stories here and watching Utube and reading books leave me thinking how much I missed as Danny and Danielle grew up.I wonder too " are other species just as interesting "?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I've been trying to find a way to add something and I think this thread is the best way. I'm a new member...only since August. I feel like me and my tortoise have been wondering around in the desert for 11 year's. Then we found an oasis. No question is dumb. I'm really glad when tortoise forum is on me like a shirt and pair of pants answering everyone's questions.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
I think I finally found my just in case vet.hoping and praying...
I actually didn't find a vet yet. My favorite exotic vet hasn't done a tortoise yet. Sooo...if or when I need a vet it will be a stressful, all day job. All the reptile vets have left our city even though we have 3 pet shops now and they probably sell reptiles. Etc...

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