Edible hanging plants?


Active Member
5 Year Member
Jul 7, 2013
In building my new home my lil girl has a big empty space above her hide the hide it self is flat on top well anyway I was thinking of putting a light there and growing some food in little pots and rotating them in and out where she can eat them

A. are there hanging edible plants like pothos or such

B. What's some small plants I can also grow I'm doing chia now thinking some cilantro just don't know what else


Active Member
5 Year Member
Jul 7, 2013
Thanks so much ! The pothos would but just what ever she could reach so a nibble here and there at most thanks so much

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
In building my new home my lil girl has a big empty space above her hide the hide it self is flat on top well anyway I was thinking of putting a light there and growing some food in little pots and rotating them in and out where she can eat them

A. are there hanging edible plants like pothos or such

B. What's some small plants I can also grow I'm doing chia now thinking some cilantro just don't know what else
Yes! I have successfully done what you are considering. Get a fluorescent tube grow light and rotate plants in your enclosure. As far as edible hanging plants, I don't know house plants (maybe other members do), but I regularly grow garden vines and let them hang down to my tortoises level. Spaghetti squash (not pictured) probably does the best job hanging down as a straight edible vine.

Here's a photo of some pumpkin, squash, and pea/bean vines when they were a month old...
edible curtain 1 month smaller.jpg

I'm also interested in experimenting with a grape vine indoors. A few ideas for other plants that have worked well in enclosures for me: Hostas, Ferns, Spider plants, African violets, Aloe, Chicks and hens, grasses (lawn grass, wheat, barley), snap dragons, dandelions...

You can also grow grass and weeds in trays and rotate them in your enclosure. Sink them in so they are level with your substrate and pull them out when they need a rest or to be re-seeded.
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Active Member
5 Year Member
Jul 7, 2013
Right now I have chia growing I have small 1 cup ramekins only a couple inches high so should be perfect

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