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  1. T

    First Reported Case of Intranuclear Coccidiosis in a Tortoise

    Actually, YOU ARE IN ERROR. You may freely google the chemical structure of Toltrazuril and Ponazuril and find that they ARE DIFFERENT. This makes the pharmokinetics and efficacy of the drugs different. In fact, toltrazuril is the preferred drug of choice in Europe, Asia and Australia. It is...
  2. T

    First Reported Case of Intranuclear Coccidiosis in a Tortoise

    I have a fair amount of experience with IC in tortoises. My most recent death occurred just this past week, sad to say. There is no known treatment regimen for IC in tortoises. Ponazuril is NOT EFFECTIVE. In fact, if you want to try and save your tortoise, treat with Baycox. You can import...