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  1. Knubbelbubbel

    My Terrarium for 0.0.3

    No sand? But did you ever see the habitat from kleinmanni? They live in desert near coast... I have sand mixed with loam 5:1 the ground is really hard.. abd they can dig. Here in europe(swiss,germany,netherland...etc..) most people have sand loam mix. for me it is interesting how different...
  2. Knubbelbubbel

    My Terrarium for 0.0.3

    Its just the front glass and they really stop before the glass i dont know why my kleinmannis see this glass
  3. Knubbelbubbel

    My Terrarium for 0.0.3

    they have never run into the glass maybe they are super smart;) I live in Switzerland. I unfortunately need a closed terrarium
  4. Knubbelbubbel

    Male or Female???kleinmanni

    Ok thx... I have to learn to be patient ;)
  5. Knubbelbubbel

    My Terrarium for 0.0.3

    here its my 300cm x 60cm Set up
  6. Knubbelbubbel

    Male or Female???kleinmanni

    Thank you. how long do I have to wait? sometimes you can see small signs very early. how many grams can gender be determined? I think the smallest could be male at some point ;):tort: Hope have 1.2 ;)
  7. Knubbelbubbel

    Male or Female???kleinmanni

    hi What do you think? Any signs for gender now? 16months now... Thx Adi