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  • Hi. About a year ago, a former colleague left me with a leopard tortoise that she bought from a local seller here in Shenzhen, China. I'd like my circumstances to not mirror those of my former colleague's, and dump this tort without consideration for her next home. Are you in contact with any enthusiasts in China who could point me in the direction of local support, sanctuaries or even a enthusiast community? Thanks.
    HEY ....., I need help , i have a star turtle and i think he is unwell, i in india its winter season, he was ok in summers but in winters he has almost stop eating and excreting. I think he has cold. please help me out here!!!!!
    Hi: Can you get you star tortoise in a indoor enclosure that is sealed up nice? and you need to have heat lamp to keep that enclosure warm and moisture. We have many threads that can help you to do this.
    Hi my greek tortoise who is almost a year old (will be one year old in December) has not been pooping lately. He continues to eat regularly and bathe regularly (30 minutes every other day in luke warm water) he tries very hard to get his stool out but always fails. He used to be very active and such but lately he has almost seemed weak. Should I take him to the vet? Please help. I'm very concerned for him. Thank you!
    You know what? I will for sure to take him to see a vet! B
    Just out of curiosity, do you happened to know anybody in our area who has a female testudo caspian (Buxtoni) or a male testudo graeca graeca in our area do you? surprisingly i have 2 of the greek tortoise that are a lot harder to find a suitable mate for -_-
    Hello: I'm sorry I have no idea about in the Bay Area. But I may able to check with the local Silicon valley chapter of CTTC if any knows who may have one. I only have 1.2 Hermanni.
    Im assuming you know you know Kevin Norred. He is the only guy i know who has a Greek Caspian female and unfortunately he wont be letting go of them. >.< lol... i dont blame him. but yes please! Im looking around and would love to purchase one of the two im looking for. What type of hermann do you have? i also have an Eastern Hermann tortoise =) I might have to let him go but its a toss up...
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