
Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Good afternoon all. Sorry for my absence. I have been working. Given that Adam, created the CDR and said that anything goes and encouraged our friendship, I really don't understand why he doesn't like the chat. We are friends and we share our news, act silly and dust off Montgomery when he gets to cobwebby.

Given that we don't appear to have him back for his birthday, it leaves me concerned for TORTOISE and the card exvhange.

@Yvonne G could you set up the message threads again please?. I will message you a list of last year's participants

Newbies, we will explain once we get started, but give us a couple of weeks to find out if Adam is going to lead as we would all prefer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I love the glimpse I get into everyone's lives here in the CDR. I wonder if that's what Adam means by "the CDR is too much like FB." That's what I like about CDR. . . the personal stuff. I don't like FB at all. I only belong to the tortoise classified FB page, and I belong to FB under an assumed name so no one who knows me will want to 'friend' me. I'm antisocial.

So, on the "personal" note, and keeping up with our sharing theme, I'm working on building a tort table in the leopard shed. There's already one in there, but it's only about 1.5 x 3' and the little leopard that has to live in there over the winter is too big for that space. So I'm making a new one all across the short side of the shed. It will be 2'x6'. I'll take pictures as I go. I received the little leopard from one of our members in SoCal. Her name is Kim, but I can't remember her username. She rescued the tortoise from very poor conditions then sent it to me. Here's pictures from when I first got it:

View attachment 252736 View attachment 252737 View attachment 252738 View attachment 252739

And here's Little Kim today, two years later:

View attachment 252740 View attachment 252741 View attachment 252742

I wish I could remember the username of the gal who sent her to me so I can show her how nicely Little Kim is doing. She's quite heavy. Of course, the pyramiding will never go away, but that's beside the point. I don't care about that. She's just about doubled in size in the two years I've had her.

So, time to go get tortoise food ready and get on with my day.
She is beautiful. I would live pics as you go along. I like to see what other people do in the hopes I can steal a few good ideas.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good afternoon all. Sorry for my absence. I have been working. Given that Adam, created the CDR and said that anything goes and encouraged our friendship, I really don't understand why he doesn't like the chat. We are friends and we share our news, act silly and dust off Montgomery when he gets to cobwebby.

Given that we don't appear to have him back for his birthday, it leaves me concerned for TORTOISE and the card exvhange.

@Yvonne G could you set up the message threads again please?. I will message you a list of last year's participants

Newbies, we will explain once we get started, but give us a couple of weeks to find out if Adam is going to lead as we would all prefer.
I was wondering about that. And I would like to join this year please.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 29, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Good day alll

A few things going on as we close out September and move into Autumn.. lots to do in the garden. Been trimming our massive hybrid poplars (started as mere twigs a few years ago and are now trees) and shredding the trimmings, cleaning out the perennial beds, cleaning water fountains, leaf trimming on banana trees.

Then there is perfect kayaking morning temps just reaching low 80’s, some sunshine, big skies, but water still warm enough to swim..

Always tons of things in, on,around the house...gutter cleaning, mulching, trimming hedges, painting (if rain stops), cleaning out years of accumulated things...

And, working on a new fully insulated “night box” for our Sully and prepping indoor quarters. No small feat. Going to try and use a modified version of Tom’s Sulcata night box. Pix along the way hopefully.

Pix of the eagle I spotted the other day...



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
So does it bother you guys when I share pics of my dog or my kids?

I miss Adam.

Absolutely not! I find it special and a sign of friendship... I thought that’s kinda what the members of this room are??? I don’t Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media but I really find myself looking forward to checking in with all of you and I think about different things that I read from y’all through out the day.. I enjoy the opinions from a wide variety of people..


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
Good day alll

A few things going on as we close out September and move into Autumn.. lots to do in the garden. Been trimming our massive hybrid poplars (started as mere twigs a few years ago and are now trees) and shredding the trimmings, cleaning out the perennial beds, cleaning water fountains, leaf trimming on banana trees.

Then there is perfect kayaking morning temps just reaching low 80’s, some sunshine, big skies, but water still warm enough to swim..

Always tons of things in, on,around the house...gutter cleaning, mulching, trimming hedges, painting (if rain stops), cleaning out years of accumulated things...

And, working on a new fully insulated “night box” for our Sully and prepping indoor quarters. No small feat. Going to try and use a modified version of Tom’s Sulcata night box. Pix along the way hopefully.

Pix of the eagle I spotted the other day...

View attachment 252744

I’m loving the fall weather too but our morning are a bit cooler. In the 60’s now... can’t wait to see your night box!


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
I had horses, but they were mainly for my piece of mind. Cleaning the paddock was like going on a fishing trip. . . very peaceful, relaxing and satisfying.
Peaceful, relaxing and satisfying was for me when I took a long ride with my two horses and see wonderful nature together with two animals that are so strong but had been so relieable and calm. A life assurance on 8 legs. I saw a lot of wild animals from the back of my horses. It was a wonderful time and sometimes I miss it.
To be a part of nature is a strong feeling you get when you are roaming forests and meadows on a horseback. It is great !


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
I love the glimpse I get into everyone's lives here in the CDR. I wonder if that's what Adam means by "the CDR is too much like FB." That's what I like about CDR. . . the personal stuff. I don't like FB at all. I only belong to the tortoise classified FB page, and I belong to FB under an assumed name so no one who knows me will want to 'friend' me. I'm antisocial.

So, on the "personal" note, and keeping up with our sharing theme, I'm working on building a tort table in the leopard shed. There's already one in there, but it's only about 1.5 x 3' and the little leopard that has to live in there over the winter is too big for that space. So I'm making a new one all across the short side of the shed. It will be 2'x6'. I'll take pictures as I go. I received the little leopard from one of our members in SoCal. Her name is Kim, but I can't remember her username. She rescued the tortoise from very poor conditions then sent it to me. Here's pictures from when I first got it:

View attachment 252736 View attachment 252737 View attachment 252738 View attachment 252739

And here's Little Kim today, two years later:

View attachment 252740 View attachment 252741 View attachment 252742

I wish I could remember the username of the gal who sent her to me so I can show her how nicely Little Kim is doing. She's quite heavy. Of course, the pyramiding will never go away, but that's beside the point. I don't care about that. She's just about doubled in size in the two years I've had her.

So, time to go get tortoise food ready and get on with my day.
I can`t understand Adam neither. Maybe he has too much problems with himself that he isn`t able to see "the forest for the trees", that the CDR is not like Facebook.

Poor little leopard tortoise. The pyramiding and the flatened carapax. I am glad the little guy was safed and you took him ( or her ).


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon all. Sorry for my absence. I have been working. Given that Adam, created the CDR and said that anything goes and encouraged our friendship, I really don't understand why he doesn't like the chat. We are friends and we share our news, act silly and dust off Montgomery when he gets to cobwebby.

Given that we don't appear to have him back for his birthday, it leaves me concerned for TORTOISE and the card exvhange.

@Yvonne G could you set up the message threads again please?. I will message you a list of last year's participants

Newbies, we will explain once we get started, but give us a couple of weeks to find out if Adam is going to lead as we would all prefer.
Hello Linda. I could e-mail Adam and ask him about TORTOISE and the Christmas Card exchange when you want.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Good day alll

A few things going on as we close out September and move into Autumn.. lots to do in the garden. Been trimming our massive hybrid poplars (started as mere twigs a few years ago and are now trees) and shredding the trimmings, cleaning out the perennial beds, cleaning water fountains, leaf trimming on banana trees.

Then there is perfect kayaking morning temps just reaching low 80’s, some sunshine, big skies, but water still warm enough to swim..

Always tons of things in, on,around the house...gutter cleaning, mulching, trimming hedges, painting (if rain stops), cleaning out years of accumulated things...

And, working on a new fully insulated “night box” for our Sully and prepping indoor quarters. No small feat. Going to try and use a modified version of Tom’s Sulcata night box. Pix along the way hopefully.

Pix of the eagle I spotted the other day...

View attachment 252744
Beautiful !( the eagle, not your tons of work in the garden ) ;)

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Well that was a really short catch up.

I know that Linda is still busy with govenor stuff and will probably pop in a for a short time over the weekend. Lena where have you dissappeared to? Did you get lost at the festival or did you get roped into looking after kids again?

There is not much to report from my side except .........................................wait for it..........................................................................................................

View attachment 252729

Yip my favorite day of the work week. I will be working a little bit in the garden this weekend. Fixing up the outside enclosure so that it is nice and cosy for Whitey and she will be happy.

Tonight I get to go out for dinner - we are trying a new chinese restuarant in our area. So hopefully it will be very yummy.

I planted all the dandelion seeds that Lena sent me in the outside enclosure. So hopefully they grow into nice big dandelions for the torts.

Anyway - Have an awesome Friday everyone. I hope you are looking forward to your weekend - I know that I am.
Happy Friday to you too Carol.
Hope you have a lovely evening and enjoyed the meal.
Good luck with the dandies - I've been collecting some seed heads and scattering them too so hopefully will have a good crop next spring. The clover roots I pulled up from our old school garden and planted in mine have really spread and grown in abundance this year. It was a pity I couldn't get Lola to stay out long enough to have a good graze on it in the summer.:rolleyes: Maybe next year!
Have a great weekend.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
I love the glimpse I get into everyone's lives here in the CDR. I wonder if that's what Adam means by "the CDR is too much like FB." That's what I like about CDR. . . the personal stuff. I don't like FB at all. I only belong to the tortoise classified FB page, and I belong to FB under an assumed name so no one who knows me will want to 'friend' me. I'm antisocial.

So, on the "personal" note, and keeping up with our sharing theme, I'm working on building a tort table in the leopard shed. There's already one in there, but it's only about 1.5 x 3' and the little leopard that has to live in there over the winter is too big for that space. So I'm making a new one all across the short side of the shed. It will be 2'x6'. I'll take pictures as I go. I received the little leopard from one of our members in SoCal. Her name is Kim, but I can't remember her username. She rescued the tortoise from very poor conditions then sent it to me. Here's pictures from when I first got it:

View attachment 252736 View attachment 252737 View attachment 252738 View attachment 252739

And here's Little Kim today, two years later:

View attachment 252740 View attachment 252741 View attachment 252742

I wish I could remember the username of the gal who sent her to me so I can show her how nicely Little Kim is doing. She's quite heavy. Of course, the pyramiding will never go away, but that's beside the point. I don't care about that. She's just about doubled in size in the two years I've had her.

So, time to go get tortoise food ready and get on with my day.
S/He's doing really well under your care, Yvonne.
I'm sure the extra space will be appreciated!

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