Some people are pretty scary - stupid - underhanded - take your pick!

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RE: Some people are pretty scary!

Please report this. Chances are its just a scare tactic,, but there is that small percentage of people that are a problem.
If the police have a name of the plate, phone number etc.. they can research that, run them in the sysytem and might be able to see if you have a reason to worry or just leasson learned.
You did nothing wrong. the dog owner is the one who is at fault. she lost the dog, no ID on the dog, no chip.. Dogs are property and now the person who claimed it falsly in in possession of stolen property. I would bet they try to sell it. watch the adds for puppy for sale. Go to the Media if you have to. or have the Owner do that.
Dont let this stop you from helping things in the future.. get proof.. receipt, vet records, photos etc. and meet them in a public place to do the return. not your home.
good luck.. i hope this passes..


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RE: Some people are pretty scary!

Print off a copy of the email including ALL the headers and report it to the local PD. IP address can be tracked, and it sounds like these people are not bright enough to cover their tracks if they are resorting to crude intimidation tactics to try to get you to not testify. Ridiculous.


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Sep 8, 2011
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RE: Some people are pretty scary!

I wager the rightful owners were able to get their dog back, and the thieves were sore about it, so they wanted to rattle your cage. Chances are it wouldn't escalate to anything beyond a hate email, but like everyone said, it is in your best interests to report the email to the police just to cover your end. May get a squad car to patrol your neighborhood for the next several days in case they do something dumb like try to egg your house.
just wanted to elaborate....if they were the type of people to go beyond a hateful email, they probably would've skipped the email entirely and went straight to vandalizing your car or something. Just my $.02.


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Never underestimate a crazy person who has threatened you. Go to the police, yesterday!!!



5 Year Member
Nov 14, 2011
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Everything happens for a reason,I think the dog must be better off now,and I really think you need to inform the police of the email. Be on the safe side. You don't know who or what kind of person you're dealing with :(


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Jun 10, 2011
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RE: Some people are crappy.

ascott said:
I bet they will hash it out to some resolve. Maybe you should give the "actual" owner lady a call back and see if she took custody of her dog again?

On the flip side, you went through all of the effort to have id check done, post on craigslist....I am left to wonder why the owner did not also post a craigslist add showing she lost her dog right away??

Just an update, I talked to the owner of the dog today. After the police report was filed and our statements were taken, an officer was sent over to claim the puppy four days after it was wrongfully taken.

The original owner had one of those doggie doors on the back door to her house, and hadn't realized the puppy escaped through a hole dug under the fence until the following day. She was getting ads placed in the paper, but really wasn't aware of what Craigslist was all about. A relative had called her and pointed out my ad to her.

She also received an e-mail that stated something to the effect that *expletives* that lose things don't deserve to get them back. I told her that I was contacting the officer about the e-mail that I got, and suggested that she do the same, even though hers was not a implicit threat. The officer took the information and said he was starting a file with the Computer Crimes and Electronic Evidence Unit. He did need an e-mail with all headers. I was told that if I continue receiving threats, if I notice any suspicious activity around my home, or if anything is vandalized to report it right away.

jaizei said:
Also, do you have a clear picture of her on surveillance? Shaming can have a powerful effect. Posting something like this on Craigslist or Facebook with her picture might make her think twice.

I can actually pause the survellience footage and get a decent pic of her. I was going to warn people on Craiglist not to give animals to her. After I got the e-mail though, I didn't think it was such a good idea to rattle her further.

What was interesting, was that she found me on Facebook. Not hard to do, since my profile isn't private and hidden, and you can plug any e-mail address and find out if there is a profile associated to it.

I saw her profile on the right hand nav, under People You Many Know, when its not a friend of a friend, its someone that has viewed your profile.


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If you haven't already, you can block her on Facebook.

Glad to hear the dog is back with its rightful owner.

Gotta love how some people think!

"*expletives* that lose things don't deserve to get them back"

....said the woman who lied and stole just to get a free dog.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Good to know the police are treating it seriously, and in case anything happens, you now have a paper trail.


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RE: Some people are crappy.

Neltharion said:
ascott said:
I bet they will hash it out to some resolve. Maybe you should give the "actual" owner lady a call back and see if she took custody of her dog again?

On the flip side, you went through all of the effort to have id check done, post on craigslist....I am left to wonder why the owner did not also post a craigslist add showing she lost her dog right away??

Just an update, I talked to the owner of the dog today. After the police report was filed and our statements were taken, an officer was sent over to claim the puppy four days after it was wrongfully taken.

The original owner had one of those doggie doors on the back door to her house, and hadn't realized the puppy escaped through a hole dug under the fence until the following day. She was getting ads placed in the paper, but really wasn't aware of what Craigslist was all about. A relative had called her and pointed out my ad to her.

She also received an e-mail that stated something to the effect that *expletives* that lose things don't deserve to get them back. I told her that I was contacting the officer about the e-mail that I got, and suggested that she do the same, even though hers was not a implicit threat. The officer took the information and said he was starting a file with the Computer Crimes and Electronic Evidence Unit. He did need an e-mail with all headers. I was told that if I continue receiving threats, if I notice any suspicious activity around my home, or if anything is vandalized to report it right away.

jaizei said:
Also, do you have a clear picture of her on surveillance? Shaming can have a powerful effect. Posting something like this on Craigslist or Facebook with her picture might make her think twice.

I can actually pause the survellience footage and get a decent pic of her. I was going to warn people on Craiglist not to give animals to her. After I got the e-mail though, I didn't think it was such a good idea to rattle her further.

What was interesting, was that she found me on Facebook. Not hard to do, since my profile isn't private and hidden, and you can plug any e-mail address and find out if there is a profile associated to it.

I saw her profile on the right hand nav, under People You Many Know, when its not a friend of a friend, its someone that has viewed your profile.

Actually on Facebook you can make it so that people can't use your email to find your profile.

Though, that's the reason why I have a separate email account solely for Craigslist. It also only lists my first name on the header. Just in case.


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as for warning people... you can write a generic post about what happened to you and do not mention names.. but to tell people to be carefull and to get ID, proof etc.
Im glad the PD took it seriously.. Im sure this is not the first time she did this.. I hope its the last, but you never know..


5 Year Member
Nov 14, 2011
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Beeliz said:
Everything happens for a reason,I think the dog must be better off now,and I really think you need to inform the police of the email. Be on the safe side. You don't know who or what kind of person you're dealing with :(

woops,,I misunderstood,,I am very glad that the rightful owner has her pup back!!,,I think this all happened so that crazy woman would be caught and dealt with in the right manner :)

Terry Allan Hall

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Neltharion said:
I'd like to replace the word crappy in the subject line with something else, but can't without getting an infraction.

About a week ago, I walked out of a Moroccan restaurant with my nephews. They really like the place because you get to sit on the floor and eat with your hands. I like the the place for the belly dancers err. . . . .I mean good food.

Well, we walked out of the restaurant and a puppy (mini schnauzer I think) ran up to one of my nephews. He picked the puppy up and asked me if he could have it. Of course I said 'no'. We did take the little guy with us though. I had him checked for a microchip, there was none. He was wearing a small green collar though and seemed well fed and groomed.

I put out a few ads in local papers and posted a listing on Craigslist for a the found puppy. In hindsight I should not have posted his pic, and should have forced people to describe him to me. A day later, I received an e-mail from a woman stating that the puppy was her family's. I called her and she came by to pick him up. The puppy ran right over to her (in hindsight, the puppy ran up to everyone). She took him, thanked me, and offered me a reward which I refused.

I logged in to remove the ad and noticed another email from a different woman stating that the dog was hers. I had a real panicked, sick, disgusted feeling all at the same time. I replied back informing her that the puppy had been claimed by his owner already. She replied back with several pics attached of her, her boyfriend, and the puppy. Definitely same puppy, same green collar.

At this point, I called her up and explained what exactly whathad happened. She wanted the other woman's phone number and e-mail right away. In my head, I was thinking that conversation would be ugly, and she may not be able to get her dog back from the woman. I told her that I would call first and see what I could do to reclaim the dog for her. I called the woman up and explained that the real owner contacted me and sent me proof that the dog was really hers. Her reply back, and get this, "Its her fault she lost the puppy. You gave the puppy to me freely, that responsibility is on you. I have the puppy, my kids are already attached to him, possession in nine tenths of the law, just tell her to get a new one." At this point, I really had to stop and think, "did she really just say all of that". I reminded her that she misled me and got the puppy under false pretenses and just said, "Please just give him back and all of this goes away for all of us, would you want your kids to know how you really got him?" At this point, she hung up.

I had to call the real owner of the dog back and let her know that I failed to get the puppy back. I gave her the woman's name, e-mail address, and phone number. I also looked on my survelliance footage and managed to get her license plate number when she was parked on my driveway. While the real owner was doing her best to remain calm and civil, she did ask me the question of why didn't I demand proof of some kind, reminding me that there are a lot of awful people out there. She was practically scolding me like I was 10. At this point, I felt so bad that all I could do was apologize. She said she was filing a police report for theft and was was going to look in to whether or not she could sue to get the dog back if the police couldn't help. I told her that I would help and give a statement to police. The police contaced me a few days later after she filed her report, and I explained what happened.

Now here we are one week later, I get a strange e-mail from an unrecognized e-mail address. The sender is "MYOB". In the e-mail is a message, "Sometimes bad things happen to people that get envolved [sic] in stuff that has nothing to do with them." This thief has my e-mail address, phone number, and home address. I don't know if I should be worried or take that as an idle threat. I'm also debating whether or not to call the officer that took my statement and inform him of the e-mail that I received.

Makes me wish that we had left the dog in the parking lot. Sorry for the novel.

DEFINITELY tell the police about the "MYOB" message, and do it never know if someone is bluffing!


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Jun 10, 2011
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Laura said:
as for warning people... you can write a generic post about what happened to you and do not mention names.. but to tell people to be carefull and to get ID, proof etc.
Im glad the PD took it seriously.. Im sure this is not the first time she did this.. I hope its the last, but you never know..

Someone else, I'm guessing its the true owner of the puppy, posted a warning on Craigslist warning people that find animals to verify ownership by asking for pics, or not posting pics in the ads and forcing people to provide descriptions. It didn't last long though. I suspect flaggers got it taken down. I'll probably post something similar.


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Dec 4, 2011
Just wanted to say thank you! A young collarless dog followed me home (ie chased me for 4miles!!!) from a bike ride yesterday and when screening potential owners I will be meeting them all at my vets office and requesting photographic proof of ownership from anyone claiming to own the dog. I also set up a new email account for correspondence relating to the sweet puppy. I am often niave and have foolish faith in the goodness of man...I am not sure I would have taken all these precautions if you had not shared your story, so thank you again- I appreciate it greatly!!


5 Year Member
Jul 5, 2011
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:O that woman is just not right in the brain!(the one who claimed was her dog but wasn't) I think you did the right thing! It's good you didn't leave the puppy in the parking lot because it could of died or maybe the lady could of tooked it and kept it and the trueful owner would have never got it back!


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I would definitely get the officer involved with the email. I'm sorry this happened to you, but the dog is safe because you took it. There are a lot of scary people out there, but when they lie like that one did it makes them even scarier. What really scares me about this story is that there is a mother out there who lies to her children to give them someone elses dog and pretend that it was theirs in the first place. That is the truly disgusting part of this.


10 Year Member!
Jun 10, 2011
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katherine said:
Just wanted to say thank you! A young collarless dog followed me home (ie chased me for 4miles!!!) from a bike ride yesterday and when screening potential owners I will be meeting them all at my vets office and requesting photographic proof of ownership from anyone claiming to own the dog. I also set up a new email account for correspondence relating to the sweet puppy. I am often niave and have foolish faith in the goodness of man...I am not sure I would have taken all these precautions if you had not shared your story, so thank you again- I appreciate it greatly!!

I'm like you. It had never occurred to me that someone would claim a dog that wasn't theirs. When I stop and think about it, its really disappointing to know that someone would take a dog and leave the true owner sad and wondering what happened to it. If I ever come across a lost pet again, I know better now.

Candy said:
I would definitely get the officer involved with the email. I'm sorry this happened to you, but the dog is safe because you took it. There are a lot of scary people out there, but when they lie like that one did it makes them even scarier. What really scares me about this story is that there is a mother out there who lies to her children to give them someone elses dog and pretend that it was theirs in the first place. That is the truly disgusting part of this.

There's a file on record with the Computer Crimes and Electronic Evidence Unit at my local police department. Hopefully, it doesn't amount to any more. Its sad to think that she's passing those same values on to her kids.


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Dec 4, 2011
I wanted to take a min and say... sorry people suck so much. You did the right thing. You tried your best. While doing the right thing you arnt as likely to think that others are doing the wrong thing. You got trapped by a crazy /mean person and were taken advantage of.

Certainly call the officer back and report the email just in case things get escalated later.
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