Should I be concerned about my hermanns tortoise's constipation?


Dec 15, 2014
I've had my Hermanns tortoise, Roma, for about a year. In that time, he's always received daily soaks, and I'd say he poops in the bath about 75% of the time. However, that seems to have changed recently. Warning, poop details incoming!

Last week, he didn't poop in the bath at all for the entire week. He was walking around his enclosure with his tail down (unusual), often swishing it around as though he was going to poop, and when he'd sit down, he'd plunge his tail straight down into the substrate. I found a few small, hard poop pieces slightly under the substrate. I upped his soaks to twice daily.

He went for a car ride last Friday night and had a pretty big poop in the travel box, slightly hard though. I'm told he had a big poop the next morning too. On Sunday, he had a large poop in his bath -- that sadly included 2 decent sized rocks. One was about the same size and shape as a coffee bean, the other was about the same size but more of an arrowhead shape. (Sounds pretty uncomfortable to me!)

So far this week, I haven't seen any poop from Roma. I've been alternating between giving mazuri with a couple drops of mineral oil and mazuri with chopped aloe for breakfast, but that's only started this week. Continuing with the soaks twice a day... he's been relaxing in the bath much longer than usual before getting antsy.

Roma still seems fairly active (given that the weather has been a little cooler recently) and is still eating his usual amount. As background, he spends days in an outdoor enclosure (Hawaii... so highs in the 80s most days, fairly high humidity) where he can nibble on a wide variety of organic, tortoise-safe plants. A plant saucer of water is always available, though I don't see him use it often. We bring him in for the night, where he sleeps in a coco coir-lined plastic bin, humidity usually 60-70%, overnight low temps in the bin of about 70 degrees this time of year. In the morning, after his bath, I feed him moistened mazuri sprinkled with herbal hay and miner-all on a bed of greens, and then he can eat whatever he wants outside all day.

Yvonne G

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It might be a good idea to include some moist, poop inducing foods in with his daily rations for a while. Hard, dry poop is something to be concerned about. It can lead to straining, which might lead to a prolapse.

Aloe vera, cactus, cucumber, and spritz water over his food at every feeding.


Dec 15, 2014
Thanks @Yvonne G , cucumber is a favorite that we don't feed too often, so I'm sure Roma will enjoy it.

I have a camera set up so I can check in on Roma during the day, and it's been heartbreaking to watch him wiggle his tail and struggle this afternoon. On the good side though, I've seen him take a few long drinks from his water bowl.

At what point should I consider taking him to a vet?


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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Since he has pooped out some rocks this may not be constipation but a blockage of some type partial perhaps.


Dec 15, 2014
Roma passed another rock last night in the bath, this one a little larger and more jagged. Thankfully the other material that passed wasn't dry or hard.

I suspect there may be more rock or hard material on the way -- all we got in the bath this morning was gas. I'll keep up the extra soaks & feeding extra moist foods (Roma is loving the cucumber buffet)... I'm hopeful that it will resolve itself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I hope everything gets back to normal :). But I'm not sure why some tortoises get rocks. What I would do is cut food that is high in oxalates and keep soaking her more often. Also, check the humidity.

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