Reselling Mazuri?

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5 Year Member
Jul 15, 2012
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I think it is great if you could make a killing off of selling Mazuri. If I could, I would. If you could get rich off of doing something and you want to, you should, but, I seriously doubt that you are going to be able to make that much off of something like Mazuri. Where I live, they don't have very much and I could not find any Mazuri, anywhere. I asked all around and no one had even heard of it. I was so glad to be able to get it from Austin, of AZSulcata. If I can get it for myself, cheaper, I will, but I am glad that there are people out there willing to make a little bit off of something that helps so many others out.


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Sep 4, 2010
Jacqui said:
:D Just a little side note... I live in Nebraska and in a little village of less then 100 humans. Here, if you live out on the rural routes (where the mail is brought to you) our postal guys will gladly bring out those set priced mailing boxes and pick up the filled ones, so you don't even have to go to town. Just how it is here and I know others aren't so lucky.

It's like that here too. You can print out labels online and what not. It's more of a hassle then going to the post office, lol. Which is probably why some rather drive there. I usually just walk there myself :p


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1. Finding Mazuri locally- ask at a feed and grain store that carries bulk Purina. They can special order it- if they want to. (Special order policies vary obviously.) Here in Omaha, Northwest Feed and Grain orders it in for the zoo and is happy to add a bag for you. They also charge just a bit over a buck a pound for the big bag and so far have never charged any special order fees, etc.

2. Storage and freezing- the problem is that some of the oils used will go rancid, and the oil-soluble vitamins will loose their potency. You can reduce this by storing them as air-tight as you can, and plastic bags are not good enough. (The commercially made 1lb bags of Mazuri are sold in great air-tight mylar-lined bags that slow the process, and this is part of why it costs so much.) Freezing slows the process down as well, and works best if it is frozen in small batches in air-tight bags.

By the way- this applies to ALL pelleted foods, from dog food to cereal. The paper bags they sell bulk pet food in- they start to loose 'freshness' the minute they are packaged. Never buy dusty bagged food- get the freshest stuff you can find.

Is it that big a deal? Rancid oils are considered by some veterinary dietitians to be a health risk, at the very least contributing to failure to thrive and some of the vitamin loss can cause other health issues. It is unlikely to cause serious issues, but long-term low-level things sap vitality over time.


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I'll add to this...

...Mazuri allows re-selling. Not all companies do. So, there's that.

Secondly, as one who resells bulk packaged foods, its priced where it is for two reason:

1) I can sell it cheaper than you can buy the "official" 1-pound bags for from Mazuri or any other distributor

2) I can make a little on it and pay for a little bit of my hobby.

You'll notice, the price is pretty much in the middle, so BOTH parties benefit from it.

For example, The 1-pound bags of Freshwater Turtle Diet go for $10-11 PLUS tax and/or shipping. So, I sell a pound for $6 (cheaper when I offer sales).


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Ok, just for the record, no kicking kittens please! :p


5 Year Member
Sep 7, 2012
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A 1 lb. bag of Mazuri in retail packaging is going for over $22 on Amazon right now. When I got my first pound, I paid $17 something. For ONE pound.

Then I saw the resellers here. I'm still on my original pound, but I bought a 2 pound bag for $8 shipped and stuck it in the freezer. And it came in fast.

I don't care how much money they're making. Everyone's circumstances will differ depending on where they get the product and how they're able to sell and ship it for, so arguing about how much they make is pointless. I don't care. If I can get a small amount this way at a decent price, I hope they keep on doing what they're doing.


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Jun 17, 2012
Tortus said:
A 1 lb. bag of Mazuri in retail packaging is going for over $22 on Amazon right now. When I got my first pound, I paid $17 something. For ONE pound.

Then I saw the resellers here. I'm still on my original pound, but I bought a 2 pound bag for $8 shipped and stuck it in the freezer. And it came in fast.

I don't care how much money they're making. Everyone's circumstances will differ depending on where they get the product and how they're able to sell and ship it for, so arguing about how much they make is pointless. I don't care. If I can get a small amount this way at a decent price, I hope they keep on doing what they're doing.

Why buy from Amazon? I buy directly from Mazuri and a one pound bag is only $12.95.
A one pound bags lasts me for a few months.

I do not see anything wrong with people reselling ... If they buy too much and they want to sell it, why not! Doesn't everyone try to get rid of things they don't want anymore? It seems everyone one is selling something on eBay now days! If you don't want to buy it from someone on here, then quit complaining and just don't buy it! Nobody is twisting anyones arm.

Arizona Sulcata

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Jan 20, 2012
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I resell it as well but I often feel I lose money on it rather than make anything. Certainly no large profits. I ship via priority mail which costs on the average order $15 and shipping is included in the price. That alone takes away the profit factor.

However I like to carry it so people know what they should be feeding their torts and so they where they can get it. Many people don't live in an area where they can by it at $26 for a large bag.
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