RES biting at the larger Map Turtle.


5 Year Member
Nov 11, 2013
So, yesterday I put a baby RES in a tank with my Juvinile Map Turtle and they Map seemed to like the little guy. Then, today they were both on the dock together when, out of nowhere, my Map started spinning and you could hear his shell bang against the glass. Once he did a full 360° spin, he stopped and started rubbing his face quite frantically. When I went to check out what happened my Map dove in the water, frantically slammed his shell into the glass, and thenc hid in the corner. (The panic was normal except it was much more dramatic than he normally does it.)
About an hour later my Map was climbing onto the basking dock while the RES followed closely behind him. Then, the RES started stretching his neck out towards either the Map's back flipper or tail and, I believe, tried biting it.

Could this mean I have an aggressive RES? Is hungry and mistakenly thought that the Maps body parts were food? I've never seen my Map freak out like he did today and it made my worried so, I thought i'd ask TF's opinion.


5 Year Member
Jul 2, 2013
I would keep an eye on them for now. Could be aggressive. If the behavior continues you will have to seperate them. Just watch him for now see how his behavior is and you'll find out whether he is more of an aggressive turtle or if that was a one time thing as a curious baby.

He could feel aggression for multiple reasons... If he wants the territory for himself/herself, if she's hungry, if she doesn't feel there's enough space for the both, etc ..


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10 Year Member!
Feb 28, 2012
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I have had juvenile turtles that wete aggressive andv ery happy alone.
Petsonally I would seperate them for the babies sake.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2013
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Irving Texas
How big is the tank and how big is the basking area? You may want to increase the size as both these turtles will bask most of the time. Maybe even add another area for the RES?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Dec 12, 2013
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North East
When I first got my RES she used to bite her arm. She no longer does that. I am not sure if it was stress or what . Hopefully it will pass so you can keep them together. Just keep a close eye on them and have a plan if you need to separate them.