Raising an Aldabra Tortoise in the Midwest?


5 Year Member
Aug 3, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
St. Louis
Hello guys! Raising an Aldabra Tortoise has always been a dream of mine. I was wondering if anybody raises or successfully raises Aldabras in the Midwest. I live in St. Louis, Missouri and am dieing to get an Aldabra yearling. I really want one but want to know opinions of if it's even smart to get one knowing it can't live outside all year like all you lucky people living in Florida. I have a full basement which I would plan on making half of it is cage for the winter for at least the first few years of it's life.And it could go outside the majority of the time in summer and a lot of the spring and fall. I'm not worried about it in the first couple years because I know I could successfully care for it. And I would be willing to build a large shed/barn for it when it gets large for the cold months. So I'm basically rambling now lol but do any of you keep large Aldabras who don't live in a tropical climate like Florida where they can live outside basically all year?


5 Year Member
Aug 3, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
St. Louis
And the only reason I thought it might be possible is because the St. Louis zoo here has about 8-10 large Aldabras who have to spend all winter inside in a cage I know I could eventually replicate the size whenever the tortoise gets that large.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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It's doable, but it gets rather expensive heating their barn in the winter time. My Aldabran tortoises have an insulated shed that they retire into each night. It's heated. They still come out daily and graze, even when the sun isn't shining. They know enough to go back inside when they get cool.


5 Year Member
Aug 3, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
St. Louis
Thanks so much Yvonne for the response!! Where do you live? And do they even come outside to graze in the winter when it's really cold? And how big is the barn and do you have any pictures?? Thank You!


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I have seen 1 or 2 old threads where someone is raising an aldabra in climates other then those like florida. I have also seen some (not in person)that were raised in places like Ohio. There is even one on here that I believe lives in Florida, but does not have the space available to them like Aldabraman has for his, just a small yard, but yes, they are in warmer climate state.
In my opinion, it's all in what you can afford and are willing to do for them and for any large tort actually.
If you can afford to build them a good size insulated barn/shed and can afford to heat it, then, go for it. If you can't afford to do what has to be done for them, then don't do it.

Yvonne G

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I live in Central California. Our winters are usually pretty gloomy, but no snow. The nights average about 32F and the days around 45F.03-18-14 Bo.jpg03-18-14 So & Bo.jpg 08-02-13 d.jpg


5 Year Member
Aug 3, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
St. Louis
Thanks so much everybody! Those are beautiful Yvonne! And sooo big :). I just didn't know also about raising them in St. Louis inside half the year because of the humidity. I don't want them to pyramid. And looking at Adalbramans tortoises he raises in Florida with high humidity all year makes their shells perfect!!

Yvonne G

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Yeah. I got my two back in 2000. At that time I hadn't learned about humidity and pyramiding. They're not too bad, however, looking at the slant of the growth you can see that they are still growing upwards and not level.


5 Year Member
Aug 3, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
St. Louis
O no yours look great though I see what you're talking about! Im so jealous I want them. How much do they weigh? And did you get them as hatchlings? So are tye about 14 years? I too went into Sulcatas without knowing everything about humidity. I just didnt know if soaking daily and access to water would make up for the dry winters here in St. Louis. Though in he summer it's perfect for them here! It gets so humid because of the Mississippi River.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Yes, I got them as hatchlings so they're now 14 years old. I didn't give them any added humidity when they were babies, and now that they live outside year round, the only humidity they get is when I water their grass. It's pretty dry here with an average RH reading of appx. 70 or so in the a.m. but only in the 30's or 40's throughout the day.