Pyxis Arachnoides Care


New Member
Jul 22, 2019
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Hey everybody my name is Dan and I live in New York and I was just wondering what everyone’s opinions were on how to properly house a Pyxis Arachnoides species. I have not yet acquired any Pyxis Arachnoides species yet I’m just trying to get as much advice from the professionals as possible.I want the very best conditions that I can possibly give and no less.
So I’m currently housing a couple of baby Indian stars in a closed chamber pvc enclosure.I went the closed chamber route to help maintain the proper humidity levels without having to mist them soo many times per day.I read that P.A species require a good amount of humidity as well so I jumped to the conclusion that the closed chamber method would be great for them.I also understand that they are a hibernating species but wasn’t sure if I could make this method work without risking their health.
If anyone has any experience or advice for me regarding this topic please don’t be shy.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Sep 23, 2012
I'm not sure who qualifies as a professional, but here's my thoughts:
- Yes, high humidity especially for hatchlings which are exceptionally tiny and delicate.
- They don't's more of a brumation or dormancy period during the cool / dry season. Unlike other species, this seems not to be optional; they are programmed to go dormant. Drop the humidity and temperature during dormancy. I like mid to high 60's F at 50% humidity. Warming & soaking babies weekly is helpful to prevent dehydration.

How much experience do you have with tortoises? I would not try pyxis until you have many years under the belt. I personally had a lot of painful learning experiences even with easier species, which these guys are not.



New Member
Jul 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
The Indian star enclosure stays in the 50% humidity range even if I don’t mist and I mist to keep it between 70-80%.The enclosure has sliding glass doors so if I ever needed to drop the humidity I just crack the doors open a little for more airflow.I have flex watt belly heat for the hot side which has a thermostat for whatever temp I set it to for night along with a heat lamp above for daytime basking.The humidity and heat of the enclosure is very under control atm I’ll have to experiment to achieve the proper living conditions before taking on the Pyxis species.Whenever I got a new reptile I always put 110% into having their enclosure and diet as perfect as possible before getting whichever reptile it is.I follow very strict monitoring practices when I get the new enclosure setup.

For experience with tortoises I’ve raised up a couple of red foots a sulcata and a leopard in the past maybe about 8 or 9 years I haven’t really thought about it until now.Iv pretty much always cared for/rescued many different reptiles all my life my passion is really engraved in me it’s who I am and I’m sure a lot of people here can relate and that why I am here.I really appreciate the info thank you.