Picky eater


New Member
May 20, 2015
I need suggestions from anyone who has had the same problem with their little tortoise! My tortoise is about 8 months old and "she" won't eat anything unless it's green, and even then she seems to ignore her food most of the time unless it's arugula or romaine lettuce. She won't eat her Mazuri pellets either and I haven't noticed any growth at all the last 6 months that I've had her. I've tried hand feeding but she usually only takes a bite or two then goes on her way and finds a place to sleep, which seems to be all she ever does. I'm worried she's not as healthy as she should be. Picking her up she also seems lighter than normal. Also, I bath her about every other day but her skin and eyes are still always so dry! Her enclousure during the day ranges from 85-95 on one side of the enclousure depending on the temperature of my home, and at night is usually between 70-75 degrees throughout the entire enclosure. I also have a uvb bulb on during the day and take her out every day as the weather permits. I sprinkle a calcium supplement on her food a few times a week and she's about 3" in length. I need tips on getting my tortoise eating and active!

Big Charlie

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 28, 2015
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I think they might be genetically attracted to green food, since most of what is good for them is green. I've noticed Charlie is more likely to bite at things that are green.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Apr 20, 2015
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Toronto, Canada
Jodie already mentioned the temperature issue, which is essential.

Only eating green things isn't bad. You just need to offer more variety of greens. You also may be sprinkling too much calcium powder on the food - that makes it pretty off putting. I think I lot of people overdo supplements. If you are offering a good diet and have regular access to sunlight/a good UVB bulb and a calcium source (cuttle bone or calcium block), you really don't need to supplement much at all (especially if you're also feeding Mazuri which has lots of things in it).

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