New owner to horsefield tortoise x substrate help

Mar 7, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Hi all.
Im a new owner of a horsefield tortoise called Timmy I've been told he's around 3 years old.
I would just like a little advice to know I'm doing the right things.
He came to me on a tortoise table which measures about 4foot x 3foot with sides that are 8inches high, I was wondering how deep his substrate should be if you could help but I don't want him escaping lol xx
Mar 7, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Me again before he came to me he was only eating kale every day to which I have now been adding some lambs lettuce and a few dandelion leaves I have found from the early weeds in the garden.
What other greens can i buy?
I have brought a tortoise mix of seeds which are coming along nicely. Im also planing of growing a lot of my own veg this year so will be catering for Timmy too this year. I've also ordered some dandelion seed and I have just got some pansy summer & winter ones so he will hopefully be fed like a king!!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
With Russian tortoises bigger enclosures are always better. Yes, it's a small tortoise, however, they are hard wired to wander great distances, so when you coop them up into a small area they are very restless.

Turnip greens, escarole, endive, radicchio, collards, mustard,

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