New baby leopard question

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5 Year Member
Dec 30, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Maumelle Arkansas
Hey everyone,
I have just received my baby 3 month old leopard, which I'm finding out which seems to be a different ball game from my sulcata. I have done my research and still feel very confident in my decision on this baby.
I am finding out though her eating habits are very much different then when Peewee (sulcata) was a baby. She doesn't like the taste of grasses or weeds and picks around them or wipes them quickly away from her mouth when eating. Mazuri so far is a no go. Hibiscus flowers is a no go, clover, dandelion, she is not fond of either. She enjoys Jade, Cactus and hibiscus leaves but that's all.
My question is if I mix heavy with jade, and cactus, then mix in hibiscus, rose of Sharon, clover, mauzuri, dandelion, kale, and then other various grasses and weeds into a a finely chopped mush, would she be prone of accepting this? She eats fine but just the with the few plants. I would enjoy seeing her accept a variety of different foods so that I know she is receiving everything she needs to be a healthy happy tort. Any suggestions??


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Yes, that is what is usually suggested. Forget the grass and any hay though, they usually won't eat it at that young of an age. Also, don't forget, they should be raised with the same high humidity and temps as a sully. Toms threads are below in my post on the temps and humidity.


5 Year Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Maumelle Arkansas
Yes I'm raising her in a high humidity closed chamber. I follow Tom to the tee! My sully is perfectly round and will do everything in my power to make sure this one grows the same.


The Dog Trainer
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Its not a sulcata/leaopard thing. Its about how your baby was started. When I hatch leopards, or any other tortoise, I offer them everything under the sun starting literally the day they hatch. In their first two or three weeks of eating, they don't see the same thing twice. As a result, anyone who has bought a baby from me will tell you that they will eat anything.

How was your baby started for those first three months and what did it eat? I'll bet anything that romaine was offered a lot.


5 Year Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Maumelle Arkansas
I did ask, they told me mazuri was offered but not often, various weeds such as dandelions, and clover. And that a favorite was optima cactus.
Day 1 I started with mazuri mixed with a little cactus, dandelion leaf, clover and hibiscus leaves. She ate only the cactus and hibiscus.
Day 2 I again gave more cactus, and hibiscus but left the other out and tried some yucca and a hibiscus flower and kale. She tried the kale but then again only went for the cactus
Day 3 today we ate hibiscus leaves, a little kale, jade and cactus.
Tomorrow I will work with her more and try to get her to eat other things.
I have available clover, dandelion, Hibiscus, rose of Sharon, yucca, jade, optima cactus, kale, mazuri, mulberry, and a lot of different weeds and grasses.
I have read they don't care for the grasses as much. I think it might have been off of one of your comments on another thread. My Sulcata accepted them fine from day one. So I'm not trying to push the grass issue so much but want to make sure she is receiving a wide variety in diet.
I agree with you though I don't think she has been offered much bc of the only like of one particular food.

ImageUploadedByTortForum1373685150.834981.jpgImageUploadedByTortForum1373685162.040408.jpg this is her. She has an awesome personality. A lot more social than my Sully. She seemed a little light when I received her but now she feels heavier (like golf ball rather than ping pong) I am soaking and she is pooping my basking spot is 105 and humidity no lower than 70 on the dry side.

Tomorrow AM I'm going to take everything I can possibly think of that I have available (leaving out the grass, as Wellington suggested) blend it all together and hope for success!
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5 Year Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Maumelle Arkansas
Thanks I'm one happy dad, just want the best for her. They also mentioned which I would have to go back to my emails that she was temped for female. That's why I'm referring to as such..


5 Year Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Maumelle Arkansas
I think so too.. She loves to be rubbed on her neck and ears. Crazy to me bc Peewee my sully is don't touch me most of the time. This afternoon when trying to challenger her to try some different food she walked right up in my hand and had me hand feed her, kinda made my heart melt. Tonight after her soak she hung out with us for a short period before bed. Cracked us upImageUploadedByTortForum1373686866.726697.jpg

Name suggestions would be great too, we just can't come up with a name for her.. Trying but nothing is hitting the nail on the head so to speak.
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10 Year Member!
Jul 23, 2010
Hey she's a cutie. Let us know how her cocktail blend of food goes. She's a lucky girl!


5 Year Member
Dec 30, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Maumelle Arkansas
Success!! She ate it and seemed to enjoy it.. We took Dandelion leaves and flowers, rose of Shannon leaves and flowers, hibiscus leaves and flowers, clover, cactus, jade, kale, Timothy grass, Bermuda grass, mazuri, grass/hay salad, and a little calcium with d3 put it in my ninja and bam! ImageUploadedByTortForum1373741063.487829.jpg

My kitchen smells like we just mowed the yard. But she is happy with her meal and I'm one happy parent.
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5 Year Member
Mar 8, 2013
She's a very pretty tort and I'm glad to hear she ate well finally. Good pappa'ing.
She sounds very social, why not butterfly? That's what we call my daughter who has no fear, but I wouldn't mind sharing with such a cutie.

Two kids, One husband, One Hines57, One Leopard Tortoise, and a room at the sanitarium lol


Active Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 23, 2010
How about Mazey? Her shell looks like a maze that you have to find your way out of. And I suppose if she is a he years from now it can be Maze.

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