Morus nigra vs morus alba


5 Year Member
Apr 4, 2013
Well I picked some leaves and cuttings from some mulberries here in Portugal to feed my tortoises back in the uk and try to grow some from the cuttings if possible. One I'm sure it's a morus alba the other pretty sure it's a morus nigra. The morus nigra is in my family for generations, no one knows for sure it's age and who planted it. It was huge and people say it could support over 20 people on its branches on the old days. Apparently 20-30 years ago it collapsed during a storm and only 1 branch was left which created the current tree. I believe it's a nigra due to the dark green leaves and huge sweet tasty berries :) and the fact there are no saplings or similar trees nearby. The morus alba I took from a friends garden :). Any one knows which variety the tortoises prefer? And any advice rooting these cuttings?