Manouria - The continuing Asian saga

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RE: Emmie

Great looking little MEP.


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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

Great pictures Maggie :) I see you have the hatchling thumb :D like me. ;)

All done Yvonne :D


Yvonne G

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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

There were a few eggs left in the incubator that looked like they MIGHT be viable, and since the first rule of hatching tortoise eggs is: "Thou shalt not toss any egg until it either explodes or hatches!", I left them in the incubator. I didn't have much hope for them and almost always forgot about them. But I came home from the store yesterday to a horrible smell in the house. It took me a while to find the source, but here's what I found when I traced it to the incubator:


Its funny that they all would have exploded at the same time, but at least it was only gas that caused the explosion, and not wet, stinky stuff!!


Yvonne G

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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

Here's a current picture of Emmy. I believe she hatched in August, so she's 4 or 5 months old here. If you compare the two photos, the previous one where she's in Maggie's hand, with the current one, you can see that she is growing.




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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

She's well on her way to being a big eating machine. She's good looking little girl.

Yvonne G

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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

Little Emmie is EATING!!!! She will actually try everything that I offer her. She eats fruits, veggies and lettuces!! Hip, hip, hooray!!




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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

Yyaaayyy Yvonne!!
I am really happy that Emmie is eating :D
Thanks for sharing the wonderful news with us :D


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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

Yvonne I know it has been a worriesome struggle with Emmie but it has paid off. Emmie is about a year now (I think) and eating well. Congratulations Yvonne and Maggie you did a Great job with her. :D


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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

sweet. I see you chop yours up very small pieces. I found mine wont eat them if i chop them down, Mine like it more leafy and whole.. Weird, lol

Yvonne G

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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

Millerlite said:
sweet. I see you chop yours up very small pieces. I found mine wont eat them if i chop them down, Mine like it more leafy and whole.. Weird, lol

She would only eat grated zucchini, so I figured I had to make it small. Here's what that feeding station looks like now, several hours later:


She did try the yams and banana, but ate almost ALL of the endive! And it escapes me why she thinks she has to sit on the food in order to eat.



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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

Yvonne my Greeks do that too. Mybe they think no one else will get it that way??


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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

all mine sit on there food too to eat, lol.. They will walk over the food to eat the on the other side of the food dish. lol..


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Jul 1, 2009
RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

I have too many replys to do it individually so I'm gonna post one big one. One of our big female Mep's did all kinds of amazing things this year...

1. Started building her first nest mound last year but never finished it.

2. This year she climbed over a low wall into an area with 2 large clumps of very tall decorative grasses which she tore to the ground in about 3 days (we removed her several times and tried to convince her to nest else where but these are very focussed animals - plus she had to move a wood pile to gain access every time). When she ran out of (had completely destroyed) the grass, we gave her lots of fresh cut big leaf maple leaves and small branches. We supplemented this with some scattered hay. Which she also used. She built a very tall (3 feet is about right) mound which she wove tightly together. After days...weeks actually...of building it, on Friday June 19 she had hollowed out a pit on top and was sitting with her butt in it at an angle. The next day (Saturday) we saw her sitting on top of the mound. Then on Sunday (Fathers Day) she was down eating with the rest of the group when we decided to open the nest and remove the eggs. She politely walked up and would touch us with a front foot (as if to get us to look at her) every few minutes during the process. I reassured her as best I could.

3. We were so proud that she had built this nest that we had Scott come over to take pics of us removing the eggs as well as our webmaster (also into herps) just to watch. We were ALL stunned...even shocked when the eggs kept coming. We brought 3 egg cartons out to collect the eggs. I had to keep running back in the house for another. We collected 74 (that is not a typo) all together. They had all been left in the nest for 2 days before collecting them.

4. It's not even 2 months later and we have had 2 dozen hatch over the past week. We were just checking the humidity...we really didn't expect to find hatched babies!

5. We ran out of room in our regular containers so we used a clear plastic egg tray (the kind that comes with a brand new refrigerator and placed 6 eggs in the holder cups with no substrate, but with a little water in the bottom (not touching the eggs, with our incubator humidity at 100%). One egg in the clear egg tray had a severe dent and we didn't think it would was the first one to hatch from that container.

6. Now one of the other females has taken to sitting completely under the nest mound (which we left, thinking perhaps one of the other ladies might just decide to re-use it). She has been completely burying herself with barely her nose poking out for 4 or 5 days. If she suddenly stops going in the pile I guess I will have to check for eggs. It never occurred to us that she might be laying eggs or prepping to lay them. I would have only watched for the topside approach of the first gal. Jerry said the one burying herself under it is still young and there is doubt about her ability to make I'm not so sure.

So there is my 2 cents worth. I hope you think it's worth more than 2 cents.

Yvonne G

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RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

I thought a current picture of Emmie was in order. She's eating very well, however is not real fond of fruit. She has almost eaten the whole chunk of cuttlebone I had in her habitat. She cleans her plate every day. AND, she has learned to hiss! She always hisses at me if I handle her.




Maggie Cummings

RE: Manouria - The continuing Burmese saga

Wow, I can't believe how big she is!
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