Lost Greek Tortoise :/


New Member
Apr 3, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
New Jersey
Hello everyone! I’m the owner of an adult Greek tortoise in northern New Jersey. It was a sunny day yesterday so I let my tortoise walk outside a bit. I unfortunately lost track of her and wasn’t able to find her the rest of the day. It’s much colder today and windy and I’m wondering if she will remain put or if she will continue to roam? Does anyone have any suggestions or strategies for finding a lost tortoise? She loves tomatoes so I’ll definitely scatter a few hoping they will attract her. Thank you for your time!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
They usually come out when the sun first hits their area, and sun themselves. Usually it's up against a fence like this:

Russian Yard 4-4-12 b.jpg

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
So does the tortoise have access to the real world outside your property? If so, put up fliers on the utility poles in the neighborhood. Make the writing on the flier big enough for drivers to be able to read as they zip by. Go door to door and let your neighbors know about the missing tortoise. And if you're familiar with the children in the neighborhood be sure to let them know to keep an eye out for the tortoise.


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Jun 25, 2018
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I hope you find her. I've lost mine and it was very stressful. Don't give up. I found mine 12 days later.
Check under bushes too.
Sometimes dogs are good at finding them. Just makes sure they don't snack on her before you get her.

Chip's mom

Active Member
Jan 19, 2021
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I hope you find her. I've lost mine and it was very stressful. Don't give up. I found mine 12 days later.
Check under bushes too.
Sometimes dogs are good at finding them. Just makes sure they don't snack on her before you get her.
Wow how did you find yours 12 years later? That's the longest I've ever heard!


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Keep looking and feeling under bushes. Check in the mornings when the sun comes out. The tomatoes might work but it's a food that should not be fed to them.
Also, this is why we also say to have an appropriate outside enclosure. It takes seconds looking away to lose them
Good luck let us know when she is found.

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