Lizards of Pennsylvania: Celebrate National Reptile Awareness Day


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Lizards of Pennsylvania: Celebrate National Reptile Awareness Day

Updated on October 21, 2017 at 5:03 AM
Posted on October 21, 2017 at 5:00 AM
Broadhead skink.
Broadhead skink.(Contributed photo)

By Marcus Schneck [email protected]
Although even the national websites and databases of national day observances can't tell us why, National Reptile Awareness Day is celebrated annually on October 21, which is today.

According to Reptiles Magazine, on October 21, "reptile fanatics have a day that they can celebrate and share their passion; a chance to educate others who may not know about these amazing creatures called reptiles, and the habitat loss and threat of extinction that faces so many reptile species."

In its report, "Reptiles and Amphibians - Threats and Concerns," the National Park Service noted that "declines in amphibian and reptile populations have been and are being observed. Herpetofauna across the globe face threats from both known and unknown sources."

The NPS pointed to habitat loss and degradation, direct persecution, disease, invasive species, chemical contamination, ultraviolet radiation, drought and illegal collecting as the primary causes of reptile decline.

The report also suggested that climate change is impacting reptile species.

Reptiles are vertebrates, which means they have internal skeletons. They have dry, scaly skin; claws; and lungs. They are ectotherms, which means their body temperature varies with the temperature of their environment. They lay hand-shelled eggs or give birth to live young.

There are about 9,500 species of reptile worldwide.

In Pennsylvania, there are 21 native species of snakes, 14 species of turtles and four species of lizards.

Earlier this year, PennLive profiled the snakes and turtles of Pennsylvania. Links to those articles are included at the bottom of this post.

To complete the picture, for National Reptile Awareness, here's a look at the four lizards that are native to Pennsylvania.
Northern fence lizard
Northern fence lizard
The northern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus) is part of a group commonly known as spiny lizards. It grows to 4-7 inches in length, and spends much of its time in the branches of trees. Insects, and sometimes snails, make up the diet of the northern fence lizard. The species is found in open woodlands across the southern two-thirds of Pennsylvania.
Northern coal skink
Northern coal skink
The northern coal skink (Eumeces anthracinus anthracinus) grows to about 5-7 inches. It occurs in small, scattered populations in northcentral, northwestern and southwestern Pennsylvania, primarily in damp woodlands, particularly in areas with abundant leaf litter and loose stones. Its diet is entirely insects.
Five-lined skink
Five-lined skink
The five-lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus) is about 5-7 inches as an adult. The five light stripes running the length of the lizard's brown to black body fade with the age of the animal. The species is found in about two-thirds of the state, south of a line drawn from Bucks County in the southeast to Crawford County in the northeast. It's generally found in humid woodlands, but occasionally shows up in gardens. The five-lined skink eats a more varied diet than many other skink species, including insects, insect larvae, spiders, worms, crustaceans and small mice.
Broadhead skink.
Broadhead skink.
The broadhead skink (Eumeces laticeps) is the largest lizard species native to Pennsylvania, with some adult reaching lengths of a foot or more. Is it found only in the southeastern corner of the state, which is the northern limit of its ranges. It is a highly arboreal species, generally found in moist woodlands. Its diet is mostly insects.
If y’all like turtles, I’d be gowen heres abouts;