I’m looking into re-homing a Sulcata Tortoise

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5 Year Member
Oct 19, 2014
He or she is about 2 years old, the carapace is smooth, I had put a lot of time into soaking him and into raising him healthy, I don’t know if I’m doing a good job, he’s smaller than other sulcata tortoises his age (I’m going by what I see on YouTube, so not sure)
I live in San Antonio, I’m hoping to find someone here, since I would like to see the yard that will be his home.
I hope to find the right person to adopt him.
There’s an adoption fee of $150
The fee is to make sure he’s not going to someone that will try to make a profit, I had posted this tortoise on Craigslist and I received emails mainly form breeders , I don’t want him to be up for sale and me not knowing if he will have a yard to walk around.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read.
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