Help please! Red foot tortoise, bite wound help


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Dec 27, 2013
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My red foot was discovered today to have a bite to the neck presumably due to another red foot breeding with it and biting her. She was fine yesterday so it is a new wound. It is to the right side of her neck. When she pulls her neck in the skin hangs outside while her head is drawn inward. The bite is substantial meaning that the skin is a bit thick that is hanging down but the part where the skin is missing does not look deep at all. The area is about an 1". There are no tort vets close by and well it is Saturday so I assume they are closed as well as tomorrow. I soaked her to remove all debris and then patted dry. I went to buy long cotton swabs, gauze pads to help in cleaning and polysporin with pain reliever. Hope all of that is safe!! I tried to push the clean skin up to cover the wound but every time she sucks in it pushes it off again. I did apply the antibiotic ointment and was even going to apply a small butterfly band aid to see if that would work as i figured it would be safer than her ripping the skin off. The bandaid would not stick. I have her in a clean , dry container with no substrate because i do not want it to get into her wound. My thoughts were to wait until the wound dries well and try to use the butterfly bandaid but i am truly clueless. Please, no rude comments. I am doing the best i can but if anyone has any info please advise!! Thank you!


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I'm sure you have but if you haven't remove from your other tortoises. Sounds like what your doing is good and should work. I probably wouldn't put the band aid on. That way you can keep an eye on the wound to see if it gets infected. Maybe get some antibiotics from your vet. Other than that keep her warm. Keep us posted on her status. A pic might also be helpful.

— Gus


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Dec 27, 2013
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Thank you, Gus! I have her inside the house where we currently have the air off. I have her in a darkened corner so that she relaxes. I was going to get a pic but I know she was stressed out. Tonight, I will check her out again and try to get a pic then. I am just sick about it. Not sure what antibiotics would work- vet is closed for next two days. That is why I used an antiseptic antibiotic cream- polysporin. Thank you for the quick response!


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Given the circumstances, sounds like you are doing a good job. I dont think i would mess about with trying to get a bandage or butterfly band aid to stick, probably more stressful than just soaking, and keeping clean like you are already doing. Best of luck.
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Yvonne G

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A wound on the neck is very hard to clear up because every time the tortoise withdraws its head it re-opens the wound. All you can do is keep flies off it and keep it clean. Dabbing on some antibiotic ointment would be helpful too.

Yvonne G

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I'm ever so slightly insulted that you would even think we would be mean about such an injury. Tortoise-keepers can't be expected to watch their tortoises every minute and keep them from getting injured. Things like this happen all the all of us. Don't beat yourself up over it, we certainly won't.


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You say that there is a piece/flap of skin hanging onto the neck area? I know this sounds "ouch" and all, but if there is no way that it is going to heal back correctly to the neck, then if it were me, I would clip that flapper off....this way it will not be irritating/as painful to the tort when ever she draws into the shell...also, it will not allow it to begin to seal in any bacterium that will begin to fester.....after that, "I" would flush the area, gently, with tepid temp water at least 4 or 5 times per day and then use a spray on antiseptic like bactine (but cover the eyes and nose before spraying so that no overspray gets in there....)

I don't know that I would add stress to the tort by dragging it to the vet (that entire event is very stressful on an already stressed tort) just yet.....I agree with you allowing the tort into a solitary space free of assaults as well as free of substrate right now....but remember that this set up within itself is the down time and quiet time will be beneficial....


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Dec 27, 2013
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I only say that because on Fb in tortoise groups I have been bashed about stuff like this and have seen others be bashed. I just thought i would mention it because i can not handle the added stress due to my lyme disease (stress causes me to have more pain and flare ups. This alone has caused me a lot of stress as well as some other things today so I am feeling kind of rough as is). I was afraid someone would bash telling me to get it to a herp vet or call to see if they can see me after hours for an astronomical price. I want her to be healthy! I considered clipping the skin but in another group it was suggested it could still have nerves in it- which I was unsure of - as long as i do not clip too close to the neck where it attaches. I assume it would be best to clip it- that does make since. I have polysporin and am kicking myself for not getting bactene tonight. I am really sick myself today- very dizzy and pout of sorts so maybe my husband can drive me to the drug store to get it. Is ti the consensus to clip the skin?? Will update as I can and thank you all for being so kind. I feel it is my fault even though none of mine have ever had a wound like this before. I guess i just feel i should be able to protect them 100% of the time!

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