Hatchling not eating


5 Year Member
Jul 14, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New Freedom Pennsylvania
I got my Golden Greek Tortoise hatchling Tuesday morning and it’s now Friday and I haven’t visibly seen him eating. I’m not sure what the problem is. Temps are 80 with a basking spot at 100 and a cooler humid side. I soak him twice a day for 15-20 min. So far I’ve tried spring mix and an assortment of weeds and grasses from outside but he hasn’t even wanted any. Help!!


5 Year Member
Jul 14, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New Freedom Pennsylvania
It’s likely just because he’s new. Could we see a picture of the enclosure?


Here’s his setup, I put two lids over 3/4 of his enclosure to ensure the humidity stays in, I understand that the bulb i have isn’t ideal but it’s temporary, I mist his enclosure a few times a day. I also moisten the sphagnum moss underneath the hide. The basking area is around 100-104.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
You may want to sink his food bowl in a bit and just keep offering a variety of everything. Most babies don’t eat grass to stick with weeds and greens. Add Mazuri, soak daily, get a digital thermometer/hydrometer, and try to enclose his chamber so he’s warm enough. They don’t eat if they’re not warm enough.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
I see a few problems:
  1. You cannot trust the clamps. They always fail and it can burn your whole house down. You need to make a rack of some sort over the enclosure to suspend them from.
  2. I see you are using a cfl bulb for UV. Those can sometimes burn tortoise eyes and they should not be used. If that light is burning the tortoises eyes, it will not come out to eat. Eye pain overwhelms appetite. Use a long tube instead. Mounting height will be determined by which type you get, or you can determine which type to get by how high you want to mount it.
  3. Its very popular on the internet to use sphagnum moss in tortoise enclosures. Every time I've tried this, they eat it. It they eat enough of it, they can get impacted. Best to not use it in my experience. It serves no purpose, so why risk it.
  4. What foods are you offering the baby? What foods did the breeder offer?


5 Year Member
Jul 14, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New Freedom Pennsylvania
I see a few problems:
  1. You cannot trust the clamps. They always fail and it can burn your whole house down. You need to make a rack of some sort over the enclosure to suspend them from.
  2. I see you are using a cfl bulb for UV. Those can sometimes burn tortoise eyes and they should not be used. If that light is burning the tortoises eyes, it will not come out to eat. Eye pain overwhelms appetite. Use a long tube instead. Mounting height will be determined by which type you get, or you can determine which type to get by how high you want to mount it.
  3. Its very popular on the internet to use sphagnum moss in tortoise enclosures. Every time I've tried this, they eat it. It they eat enough of it, they can get impacted. Best to not use it in my experience. It serves no purpose, so why risk it.
  4. What foods are you offering the baby? What foods did the breeder offer?
So far i've offered spring mix, variety of weeds grasses flowers etc, lettuce, spinach, kale. He kinda just looks at it and walks away


5 Year Member
Jul 14, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New Freedom Pennsylvania
I see a few problems:
  1. You cannot trust the clamps. They always fail and it can burn your whole house down. You need to make a rack of some sort over the enclosure to suspend them from.
  2. I see you are using a cfl bulb for UV. Those can sometimes burn tortoise eyes and they should not be used. If that light is burning the tortoises eyes, it will not come out to eat. Eye pain overwhelms appetite. Use a long tube instead. Mounting height will be determined by which type you get, or you can determine which type to get by how high you want to mount it.
  3. Its very popular on the internet to use sphagnum moss in tortoise enclosures. Every time I've tried this, they eat it. It they eat enough of it, they can get impacted. Best to not use it in my experience. It serves no purpose, so why risk it.
  4. What foods are you offering the baby? What foods did the breeder offer?
and also, could you link me to the correct lighting? thanks.