Eye Problem Russian Tortoise


Dec 4, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Orange County,CA
Russian Tortoise Health

Hello guys, I am a new tortoise owner. As of 11/11/13 I bought my russian tortoise from the local petsmart. So far everything is going good with him, I did have to take him to the vet due to a small ear abscess and an eye infection. The Dr. sent us home with antibiotics for the abscess and eye drops for his eye. The antibiotics are working great the root to the abscess fell off today during his soak! As for his eye, doesn't seem to be getting worse, but doesn't seem to be getting much better. Dr. said it could be Vitamin A deficiency, but I feel like he gets enough through his diet. ANY TIPS,SUGGESTIONS, FEED BACK WOULD BE AWESOME!! =)

Im also new to this forum, not sure how it really works =/


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RE: Russian Tortoise Health

Hello and Welcome:). If you are using a coil bulb of any kind, get rid of it, that's the problem. If not, post pic of him and give us as much detail about his enclosure, substrate, heating, diet, etc as you can.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 11, 2011
RE: Russian Tortoise Health

Welcome, as stated above, check your bulb, the compact fluorescents are widely thought to have caused eye problems with torts.

The tubular fluorescents are much safer and the basking spot can be obtained by using a old style flood light.

A picture of your tort and the enclosure will help the forum in giving advice.

Good luck.


Dec 4, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Orange County,CA
Russian Tortoise Health

Thanks everyone for the feed back. He does have a coil bulb and that is something that I will be changing shortly. As for his eye, we had a follow up appointment today and Dr. gave us a different eye drop(antibiotic) to try for a month but noticed that there is a tiny abscess right above his bad eye and has a feeling this could be the problem. As far as his diet goes, he eats a lot of leafy greens kale, mustard greens, collard greens, red leaf lettuce, cilantro, radish and their leaves. He absolutely loves carrots they are his fav, bell pepper, apple, and cantaloupe here and there.

So the Dr. also said that he is a little big for his shell. He weighs 13 OZ and is 3-4 years old. Here are some pictures of my little guy. What do you guys think? ImageUploadedByTortForum1389044907.723627.jpgImageUploadedByTortForum1389044950.989384.jpgImageUploadedByTortForum1389044987.308228.jpg
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Dec 4, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Orange County,CA
Overweight Russian Tortoise??

So the Dr. said that he is a little big for his shell. He weighs 13 OZ and is 3-4 years old.What do you guys think?

Yvonne G

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RE: Russian Tortoise Health

I think the tortoise is more like about 10 or 12 years old, and is NOT too fat for it's shell.

I'm glad you were up-to-date on husbandry enough to realize that you didn't need a vitamin A injection for your tortoise. That's always the first thing some vets want to do. Totally not necessary.

Just keep using the eye medication and soak the tortoise in warm water for about 15 minutes a day. The eye problem should resolve itself.

Ear abscesses occur because of an infection someplace else (besides the ear) in the tortoise's body. It might be the small spot you found near the eye. Did the vet give you antibiotics to administer? If so, continue using them for the length of time the vet told you.


Dec 4, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Orange County,CA
Russian Tortoise Health

Yvonne, yes the doctor gave us antibiotics, now that the abscess fell off he feels like we don't need them anymore but no improvement on his eye from the last drops he gave us. So today he gave us new eye drops with antibiotics it them so we shall see if that works, if not we have a plan B which is to lance the tiny abscess above the bad eye. =(


Dec 4, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Orange County,CA
Hello, so my RT has had this ongoing eye problem with his left eye for over a month and a half. His eye is opened, but at times its shut. It is a little inflamed but it is also a bit sunken in. I am currently in the process of switching his UVB to a tube bulb from a coil to see if this helps any. He eats and poops regularly. The doctor thinks it can be an abscess and has prescribed an antibiotic eye drop. We are scheduled to go back in a month to see if this has worked any. Has anyone ever experienced this?


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Get the coil bulb out. That is most likely going to get things cleared up. If it doesn't, then come back and let us know and we can offer more things too try. For now, get the coil bulb out.


New Member
Dec 26, 2013
I've been reading this post and I have learned so much on different topics but. I am curious about the coil bulbs vs the tube type. What is the issue that causes problems with the coil? I want to do everything possible to keep my torts happy and healthy. Thanks


Dec 4, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Orange County,CA
Ok, so the coil bulb has been out for a few weeks now, I've noticed a change in his eye but there is more to the problem. He has developed ANOTHER abscess right above his eye on his forehead area. I believe this is whats bothering his eye. I think the pressure from the abscess is pushing down on his eye and that's why his eye hasn't gotten better yet. My question to you guys is do you have any ideas why he keeps getting these abscess?


Dec 4, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Orange County,CA
ImageUploadedByTortForum1390454364.743652.jpgImageUploadedByTortForum1390454470.656320.jpg here are some pictures, I also noticed just yesterday that his beck has turned black, any know why?

After his soak today I applied hot compresses like the Dr. Suggested and I feel like this caused the abscess to split as you can see in the pictures, no blood or anything just looks like it separated. I'm going to pick up his antibiotic that the DR. refilled but I'm going to bring Glenn with me and have him checked out.
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Jan 4, 2014
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Semarang City, Indonesia
jvillanueva said:
Hello, so my RT has had this ongoing eye problem with his left eye for over a month and a half. His eye is opened, but at times its shut. It is a little inflamed but it is also a bit sunken in. I am currently in the process of switching his UVB to a tube bulb from a coil to see if this helps any. He eats and poops regularly. The doctor thinks it can be an abscess and has prescribed an antibiotic eye drop. We are scheduled to go back in a month to see if this has worked any. Has anyone ever experienced this?

Hi, how long did your coil bulb light everyday til the eyes of your torto get problem? cause here in Indonesia many hobbysts still use coil bulb

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