do i have to be 18 years old to buy tortoise at petco

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russian tortoise boy

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Sep 21, 2012
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ok im planning to buy a russian tortoise at petco as soon as i saved money and i am planning to buy a fluker's lamp today or sunday. So do i have to be 18 to buy a fluker's lamp? or the 18 years old thing is only for pets such as tortoises.

oh and im only 13 years old


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I've never heard of an age limit for buying anything at Petco....

I'm sure they'll be happy to take your money for the flukers lamp, regardless of age.


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I didn't know you had to be 18 to buy a pet from Petco. You deff don't have to be 18 to buy the light. Why don't you check into either Craigslist or fauna classified for a Russian. You have a better chance of getting a healthier one. Good luck


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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The light no, a lot of pet stores are using an 18 or over rule, so parents don't come back later and say " you sold my child a pet I don't want" and risk a lawsuit.


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Agree with can purchase a light yourself. I would recommend after you have completed all of your research and talked with your parents, that you look for someone on here that can send you a tortoise. We have wonderful breeders on here who provide extremely healthy hatchlings and lifelong care:) So look here for a Russian breeder....not sure if you were going to get one at Petco or not, but you will be happy to work with someone on the forum:) Good luck and we can't wait to hear when you get one...good for you for saving up!!!:)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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As a parent, once my child would have talked me into getting a new pet, going to the pet store and actually seeing them, would be getting you a tortoise so much faster then buying online. So much easier for a parent to "fall" for one you can see and handle, then buying a mystery animal. Of course, I have a thing against buying online. I want to actually see and touch the animal, rather then count on the honesty of others who are trying to sell me something. Plus your adding another $50 or so to the price and I gather money is an issue with you. Getting one off Craig's list may also be a money saver along with being able to use the "we are rescuing a tortoise" card on your parents.

Of course buying a young one from a breeder gives it more of a cute factor (for getting Mom hooked), but you will also pay more right upfront. The added good things are you should know when it was hatched and it's care. The health and lack of vet cost really is not a factor in my mind, because you still may end up with a sick animal, you have extra costs and needs with a hatchling, and more hatchlings die it seems then adults. A hatchling is by far going to have a prettier better quality shell, as for as visual appeal. You get to watch it grow up and develop into it's adult look. If sex of the animal is important, you will not know with a hatchling.

I thought on another thread, you were looking for help naming a female you got a month ago? I must be really confused this morning.

I also wanted to add, even if Petco allows you to buy a tortoise without being 18, do NOT get one, unless your parents are agreeing to you getting it.


5 Year Member
Jul 15, 2012
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Since you already have a Russian I am not sure you want to buy another one. I am assuming you want to breed them? If so, I would have separate enclosures for them because Russians get very aggressive. Good luck with everything:)


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Jun 15, 2012
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PetSmart let's me buy anything I want from there (though I have never gotten a pet from there) and I'm only 13! And if you can I would buy a tortoise from a breeder on here :) We have great breeders here who breed tortoise not just for the money but because they a have passion for them and you will get a beautiful healthy tortoise :)
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