Bump on fish (Updated 12/31)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2014
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A tell tale sign of the health of it is whether or not the fish is eating. If it's not eating, it's very stressed and may possibly pass. I hope the treatment works for you, and don't stop the treatment early even if they look better.

I'd say that goldfish and plecos are three times messier then any other fish I've owned. I've seen more goldfish then guppies with health issues like this.

Flower horns are beautiful fish :) cichlids are awesome.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2014
I have a lot of fish tanks. My house looks like Sea World. I raise large predatory fishes called FLOWERHORNS. For a while I used to offer them live goldfish as a treat and I had a separate gold fish tanlok set up to quarantine them. Every so often I would see this in a feeder goldfish. I've also seen it in feeder guppies. It is a parasitic worm that is just under the skin. I wont go into detail about how I've come to know that. But I hope it helps. Both goldfish and especially PLECOs are great manufacturers of waste! These things thrive in pollution. I don't know if it is cure- able or not. But in my opinion you need to treat with a parasitic agent. And do not let that fish back into the community until he looks well.
Septicemia (unless it is viral which tendsto be rare is more a symptom than a disease. She needs to determine the cause of the disease (usually parasitic or bacterial in nature) or else it is just injecting insulin to cure diabetes.... you will feel better but soon are going to end up right back here you started. I would recommend the treatment protocol I've outlined above. I have take an Koi Health Advisor course and I am not just talking about my butt but it seems like no one is listening to the feedback I am providing. I have dealt with many sick koi and goldfish and saved almost all of them so I hope she will put some thought into my recommended treatments.
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Maggie Cummings

Well, this is what he looks like now...actually the wound is closed now. He is eating and swimmimg normally. The poor pleco is in a 50 gallon tub and hating it. For 3 days I soaked the fish in a terramycin solution with no change. So now we are on the 8th day of Melafix. I believe all the damage looks better. I want to thank all that gave advice while I was computerless. Delilah I wish I'd had your advice. But I am hoping things have turned around. He's a tough fish and really seems to have the will to get better. And boy, am I sick of water changes. But I swear it's the cleanest tank in town....
IMG_4400.JPG IMG_4398.JPG

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Isn't is amazing how much of ourselves we invest in these cheapy little fish? You fish looks lots better. And as an aside - he really grew up to be a pretty fish. Most of the feeder fish I buy don't look very pretty.


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5 Year Member
May 22, 2012
sometimes it more of a bond i guess, 10 years pet is quite a long time

Maggie Cummings

To end the story...I was doing the last water change before adding the pleco, when I realized the goldfish was gone. I checked her out this morning to see if it would be alright to add the pleco. My siphon hose is too small for her to have gone thru. I've searched the floor. I guess I flushed a perfectly healthy fish that I liked a lot. End of topic....

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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