Best bedding to use for sulcatas?


New Member
Jan 26, 2017
I have a large enclosure that houses two of my sulcatas, ive been lacking on changing the bedding because of how much bedding i have since my enclosure is so large. I am about to get a new bedding but wanted to know what kind of bedding would be prefered? Woodchips or sand? If woodchips than is there a specific kind? Thanks!


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Nov 18, 2011
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Sand is a huge no-no. No matter your best efforts to prevent it from happening, your tortoise will ingest the sand while eating. This sand then becomes lodged in the stomach and gut of the tortoise ultimately leading to death. This is pretty much the same as colic in a horse leading to the same outcome.
Wood chips come with their own problems, the least of which is water absorption by the wood chips which then leads to mold and mildew and these to are very bad for a tortoise.
I've found these suggestions in many old, outdated books and caresheets on the Internet Machine, which is just one of the many reasons this forum is so valuable.
I, personally use a mix of organic peat moss and organic topsoil to work fantastic. Peat moss is acidic so it helps to keep any mold or mildew from growing. With the topsoil, make sure it's not planting mix which often contains those little white perlight balls in it. These are, again, bad for your tortoise to eat due to blockage. Trust me here, they will eat them.
If you haven't already read the sulcata caresheets posted in the specie section, I encourage you to do so. After doing so, don't be shy, and ask plenty of questions.
I hope this helps you and your tortoises to live long, healthy, happy lives.


The Dog Trainer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2017
I just purchased three bags of fine orchid bark at Orchard Supply Warehouse. They are all over.

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