Any advice

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Oct 6, 2007
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Belchertown Ma
Hi there,
I am having a tough time with my Ornate box Louise. For 6 years she has been housed in winter inside with a Red foot, and 2 Russians in a very large kid pool. After entering this forum, I have been educated on how bad that is. Soooo I did some changes and she is now alone in a ok size tupperware, a sunked water dish, food and the substrate is mixed sterile dirt and moss, along with an entire end of a hide. She has been in the corner since I put her there.Literally climbing the walls. I moved the light, but she actually went to the other corner with the light and stands up.I think she thinks the light is the doorway out. I have misted her a number of times, so she won't dry out, but I an not sure if this tough love is good for her.
Help. Na


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It's new and different, so it will take her a while to get used to everything. Can you take a picture of the whole set-up?



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Nay-when I adopted one of my russians, he just did laps around and around. I am planning on building him a larger enclosure after Christmas. He did stop though after a few days. I just think he wasn't sure and had to adjust. My other 2 russians are in a large childs swimming pool and have alot more room and they never seem bothered. It's amazing how stressed we get when we think they are stressed! :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Is she still eating? How long have you had her in this enclosure?


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Oct 6, 2007
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Belchertown Ma
Jacqui said:
Is she still eating? How long have you had her in this enclosure?

Hi Guys,
No She had stopped eating, going on 3 days.Not even worms,And she is always first at the food. When I came home just now, she was still in the corner. I couldn't take it and put her back in with Jack. This is what she did. I know it's wrong, but how would you feel if this is was you and you found this????? I might try it again, but I swear they know each other. This is so hard.....Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Please don't 'lambasse' me!!


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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Nay I just want to say, today as I was riding down the rod I was thinking about you and this thread. I had planned to come in here and say this:

If you or your animal are suffering then put them back together. It's not worth it to make either you or them suffer. They lived together for years and everybody seems fine. All diseases have already been shed. You know now what each of the torts need for their species, if you can give them each their own needs, then go ahead and place them back together.

Sometimes we try to fix what's really not broken and then ruin everything. What you had was working for you and them, maybe this is one of those cases to leave well enough alone.

Nay no matter what you decide, it's ok. Only you can judge what is right for you, your animals, your situation. Keeping these animals should be fun, relaxing, and rewarding. If we push you to do things that make you uneasy, stressed out, or feeling guilty, then it is us who are wrong. I am sorry if I was part of making you feel this way.



sorry but you didn't give them a chance to settle and get on with it and erm where did the rabbit come from. you are playing a very dangerous game with these animals, lets hope it doesn't all go wrong for their sakes
not sure how you think keeping them like this is beneficial to them and i am quite stunned to see they also have a fluffy friend now :(


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Oct 6, 2007
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Belchertown Ma
Well Jacqui,
Kudos to you for saying what you said. I certainly have been quilty of thinking I do what's right for my animals.
Then not doing exactly what their requirements of habitate should be. I have done what was easy. I since have made loads of adjustments in the substrate, brought in loads of sterile dirt,etc to make more of a digging enviorment.
I have always concentrated on making sure of the diets, and doing regular fecals, and temps. I found this site because I knew I was lax(or should I say chicken) in the hibernating department for my Russians( and box). And found many of the threads educating.
So thank you...
As far as my furry friend, most animals problems are species specific. Turtles and tortoises have their own set of rules, but mammals are pretty straight forward. The rabbit has lived near and about the turtles for the same amount of time, and that is what it is.My leopard (who is seperate by the way) snuggles right up to the rabbit, and I think if one was bothered they can move away at any point.
Again appreciate ALL the advice.


not sure why you are asking for advice you have your mind made up and thats that i just hope that bunnies strong back legs never kick out at one of the other animals or it never decides to chew on one of them.

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