'Angel' Captured on Camera

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Mom, Nurses Say 'Angel' Captured on Camera

Last Edited: Monday, 22 Dec 2008, 9:14 PM CST
Created: Monday, 22 Dec 2008, 9:14 PM CST

. CHARLOTTE, NC -- Look closely at this surveillance photo from a hospital in North Carolina. Some people swear the bright spot near the middle of the frame is not sunlight, but an angel that saved a teenaged girl from the brink of death.

The image is from Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, N.C. It was taken by the mother of a 14-year-old girl, an hour after she decided to take her daughter off life support following a battle with pneumonia.

Colleen Banton says while her daughter was fighting for life, her sister called her to the monitor of a security camera near the girl's hospital room. Nearby doctors and nurses crowded around, too, looking at the strange sight.

"The nurse practitioner, she's standing there, and she said, 'I've been working here for 15 years and I've never seen anything like this,'" said Banton.

"I said, 'Oh wow, that's an angel.'"

Colleen says about an hour later, her daughter Chelsea began to improve dramatically. She stayed in the hospital for three months, but she's home now, in time for her 15th birthday on Christmas Day.

Colleen's daughter Chelsea has endured chronic health problems her entire life, starting with her birth, five weeks premature. But she says she believes her daughter's life was saved by what was captured on the security camera.

"I've never seen anything so bright, so beautiful," said Colleen.
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