All Tortoises Are Turtles


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Yes, slugs have no shells, but some still use the word "etana" meaning slug to describe both, as like a common name. It is kinda hard to explain to a non Finnish speaker, but here is one example:

A translation of the finnish wikipedia page "Etana" "Snail is the name most commonly used for all completely or nearly shell-less gastropods (Stylommatophora) ... However, the name snails has sometimes been used as the Finnish name for a sect of land snails, in which case it also includes species with shells."
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This is especially common when talking about snails and slugs grown for food or served on a restaurant menu. These are almost inclusively called "Etana" (=slug) even though most are actually snails. Not sure why this is.
Wow, I never would have called a slug a snail. I love escargot/snails, would not eat them if I thought they were slugs. I know they are very familiar but for some reason a slug is much more gross and messy to me.
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