eating issue

  1. L

    Baby Tortoise Won't Eat Grass

    Hello! My nearly 1 year old Desert Sulcata tortoise won't eat any grass. He's always been this way, he only wants greens (kale, romaine, collards, etc) with the occasional tomato or bit of strawberry as a treat. I know he should have a mostly grass based diet but he refuses to touch it. I've...
  2. royal kareem

    Idk what happened to my red eared slider?

    My Red Eared Slider, 11 months old have Respiratory Infection that affected her nose part and not her lung (per vet says, I have x-ray too). She's consuming her pills and medicine nicely (up to 7 August). However, 3 days after finishing her medicine (10th August) she doesn't eat anymore? I...
  3. DreamenderCA

    Leopard tortoise has hard time eating

    My Leopard tortoise of ~5 years old has recently been biting into the air while trying to eat. She would try a few times before giving up. Please see the video. She was soaked for 10 mins or so in warm water before being fed. More info: She is kept indoor with a mercury bulb that turns on for 6...