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  1. J

    Reptile super show

    Better yet, check out your local CTTC chapter ( There's another show called Repticon (OC Fair Grounds) in Aug as well.
  2. J

    Reptile super show

    Most vendors are just retailers/resellers. They are not actually breeding or raising their stock/inventory. There were a few breeders there and as some have mentioned, their animals looked great. This is akin to any other animal in the pet trade. $$ becomes the priority and quality takes a back...
  3. J

    Reptile super show

    @Markw84 It was great chatting with you on Sunday!
  4. J

    Couple of Questions regarding baby sulcatas.

    You should visit our club/chapter. We have a meeting this Sat evening in Long Beach.
  5. J

    July 16th at 7:30pm - Kapidolo Farms presenting on Tortoise Nutrition (Zoom)

    The Long Beach Chapter of the CA Turtle & Tortoise Club will be having a hybrid meeting (in-person and Zoom) with William of Kapidolo Farms speaking on tortoise nutrition. Please feel free to check it out. Zoom Meeting Link: