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  1. BlueBaron

    Finished Olive's new Indoor

    None of them require any lighting, just thermostat controlled belly heat from the heating cable I have installed below each tub :)
  2. BlueBaron

    Finished Olive's new Indoor

    Haha! I have other reptiles housed below. The first shelf is just supplies and crickets. On the second shelf, the tub on the right houses four dwarf sand geckos, the tub on the left a leopard gecko. On the third shelf, the small critter keeper has an 8 month old male albino paradox sand boa and...
  3. BlueBaron

    Finished Olive's new Indoor

    Here it is! Olive the hermanns tortoises new indoor. 4' x 2' x 15" right now she has full run of it but if I see loss in activity I will partition it so she only gets to use half to two thirds. Shes 5 months old and 65 grams :)
  4. BlueBaron

    Hows Olive's shell looking?

    Thanks guys :) It was by chance that I ended up with Olive; I had the breeder send me pics of all the tortoises he had available and on the day I told him I would decide he contacted me with a picture of a new hatchling much lighter than the others and my choice was made right then and there...
  5. BlueBaron

    Hows Olive's shell looking?

    Here are a couple more pictures:
  6. BlueBaron

    Hows Olive's shell looking?

    Humidity is usually between 50 and 55%, higher following misting. I turn the coir in the am and mist, then mist in the pm. She also has a humid hide that she utilizes and has become fond of digging herself into the coir under the heat lamp as of late. She also gets bathed at least 5 days a week...
  7. BlueBaron

    Hows Olive's shell looking?

    It was dry because that pic was taken in the morning, directly under the basking spot, and I had not turned the coir yet or misted. Thank you for your concern though :)
  8. BlueBaron

    Hows Olive's shell looking?

    Olive seems to be growing quite quickly; she is just over 4 months old and 55g but she did hatch out on the large side to begin with at 17g. I just wanted to make sure her shell is looking all right, to me it looks fine but I have only had her since April and she is my first tortoise...
  9. BlueBaron

    What to do with the lid....

    This past weekend I started a building project and I went from this set up for my reptiles: to this set up for my reptiles: all so that I can build Olive (my three month old Hermann's tortoise) a bigger enclosure. Here is my design: and this is what I was thinking for the lid: I...
  10. BlueBaron

    Building an indoor, need some guidance

    "Galvanized Wire - Electroplated galvanized wire is safe but wire that has been hot-dipped is not. Birds can ingest zinc from cages and clips made from galvanized wire. You can reduce the toxicity of the wire by scrubbing it with a brush and a vinegar or mild acidic solution to remove loose...
  11. BlueBaron

    Building an indoor, need some guidance

    Hardware mesh is galvanized and thus has a zinc content which can result in zinc poisoning. Apparently there are different grades of galvanizing processes and some are less likely to cause issues than others. I also read that scrubbing down the mesh with a metal brush and vinegar can reduce the...
  12. BlueBaron

    Building an indoor, need some guidance

    I got materials cut today to make a new rack for my other reptiles that will double as a stand for a much larger tortoise enclosure. I am hoping to get the rack built this weekend then get the materials I need for building my tortoise enclosure in a couple weeks. I am going with black melamine...
  13. BlueBaron

    My Hermann's tortoise came today!

    Here are some more pics
  14. BlueBaron

    My Hermann's tortoise came today!

    So far so good, for sure hasn't backed off from feeding, this little tort just packs it back. How much should I be feeding it? I have read a couple things that conflict and wanted to know what you fellow hermanns owners think. Right now I am feeding a mound about the same size as the tortoise is...
  15. BlueBaron

    My Hermann's tortoise came today!

    Thanks guys :)
  16. BlueBaron

    My Hermann's tortoise came today!

    Its finally here and started eating within an hour, I am so happy with this little baby :)
  17. BlueBaron

    How am I doing?

    My little Hermann's tortoise will be arriving mid may and I just wanted some feedback. Above is what my tortoise home looked like when I first started posting here. The UVB light I was told could be harmful so I switched it, went from coco soil with aspen to just coco soil, switched out the...
  18. BlueBaron

    Shipping - a little worried!

    I was sent this update photo a couple days ago and thought I would share...
  19. BlueBaron

    Shipping - a little worried!

    Thank you guys, I feel much better :) It's pretty slim pickings here in Canada, especially on the west coast, hence why my tort will be coming from the east coast! The breeder I am going through, Slow n Steady Tortoises, directed me here to learn all I can before my tortoise arrives.