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  1. wiktoria

    large tail- Young russian tortoise.

    Hello, i am worried about my tortoises health because every once in a while he "flashes" and i read and if it goes back in with no problem its okay so im not worryin too much, but he has a sandy-kind of an environment and after he flashes it seems the sand gets stuck and the end of the tail...
  2. wiktoria

    Girl or boy? Russian Tort confusion,

    i will post a picture on here tomorrow morning and it is 2 and a half years old :)
  3. wiktoria

    Girl or boy? Russian Tort confusion,

    I understtand the situation but atm my phone has some battery issues and its hard to leave it on for even 1 min :/ so ill try my best on sending you a picture ASAP
  4. wiktoria

    Girl or boy? Russian Tort confusion,

    Well, i have checked on the internet (google) lately about Finding out the tort sex and my tort was ment to be a girl by the fact that his/her tail didnt have like this 'Fleek' on the end and the tail was quite short so i thought it was a girl ... but lately his/her ''penis'' kinda like came out...
  5. wiktoria

    Weird neck ticks? Is that normal?

    Thanks guys :) for your help
  6. wiktoria

    Weird neck ticks? Is that normal?

    pheww glad it's nothing serious
  7. wiktoria

    Weird neck ticks? Is that normal?

    But i only have 1 tortoise , so is it normal?
  8. wiktoria

    Weird neck ticks? Is that normal?

    My tortoise is 2 and a half years old, its a male russian tort and im not sure what is happening but sometimes when i take him out his cage he stretches his neck and like bounces it up and down it looks like a weird tick or hic-ups but im pretty sure its not hic-ups,he does that inside his cage...
  9. wiktoria

    Is it normal for male russian to bite in the face?

    I do understand it wasn't the most smartest idea. I just wanted to find out why did it bite me, thanks guys
  10. wiktoria

    Is it normal for male russian to bite in the face?

    wait it's not 2-3 inch i just noticed what an inch it XD
  11. wiktoria

    Is it normal for male russian to bite in the face?

    oh... okay XD i will get it a larger cage
  12. wiktoria

    Is it normal for male russian to bite in the face?

    Well my tort is about 2-3 inches and the cage is about 1 mmeter long so i dont think thats the problem, the only thing i wonder about is why did he bite my face o.O
  13. wiktoria

    Is it normal for male russian to bite in the face?

    I woke up and my tortoise was scratching the side of its cage so i took it out i fell asleep then i woke with a bite on my face...
  14. wiktoria

    Is dry and peeling off skin normal?

    Thanks for help, i will start giving her more baths and keep an eye on the humidity! ;)
  15. wiktoria

    Is dry and peeling off skin normal?

    My russian tortoise has a lil problem with his skin, he's 2 and a half and his skin is really dry. I give him a nice warm water bath 2 times a week and it looks fine but then after like 2 days it does dry and peels off again and suggestions please?
  16. wiktoria

    Red thing out of my russian torts tail?

    Lol, thank you guys im pretty glad it's nothing urgent :)
  17. wiktoria

    Red thing out of my russian torts tail?

    Does that happen to all tortoises or just russian?
  18. wiktoria

    Red thing out of my russian torts tail?

    No, to popped back in when she/he saw me looking at ... It? XD
  19. wiktoria

    Red thing out of my russian torts tail?

    XD ... I actually wonder if they can at least understand what we are saying XD