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  1. Zilli

    Comment by 'Zilli' in media 'BonBonSammy.jpeg'

    Great Viv! I'm curious, how are you maintaining such a nice high humidity?
  2. Zilli

    What type of Hingeback do I have? Help please

    Ahhh yes, I see the zig zag developing down the center good to know. It is a shame that little Zilli has been passed off as a much younger tortoise but that changes nothing for me, still an absolutely fascinating a loved member of the family. Thanks for the info William! cheers!
  3. Zilli

    What type of Hingeback do I have? Help please

    Hey Thomas, thank you! It is really good to know and appreciate the confirmation on route of hingeback. Thanks!
  4. Zilli

    What type of Hingeback do I have? Help please

    Thank you Sarah!
  5. Zilli

    What type of Hingeback do I have? Help please

    Hey William! Thanks for the reply, I do wonder how long some of these pet stores have tortoise or other animals for but try passing them off as much younger than they are. Out of curiosity and the want to learn more, what makes you say he is older from the plastron, the number of rings? Thanks
  6. Zilli

    What type of Hingeback do I have? Help please

    Hey Zovick, Thank you for helping to confirm that, appreciate it. Also the flat underside, would that indicate a rough age? He should be anything from 2 to 3 years old, does that sound about right? When does the plastron mature and get concaved? Apologies for the additional questions but...
  7. Zilli

    What type of Hingeback do I have? Help please

    Hey @TheLastGreen , just continuing where we left off, I think she is a Spekii after looking at that Blueprint doc, it's good to know and thanks for sharing. Also I think she is actually a he, I have taken a couple of photos recently that might help with confirming the Spekii ID and from the...
  8. Zilli

    What type of Hingeback do I have? Help please

    Yes she (if a she) is a cute one and was probably how she ended up being a pet for my niece. I'm sure her Dad and her alike thought it was a great idea at the time but for a 13 year old the real responsibility of caring for a reptile and especially an exotix tortoise can be challenging. She was...
  9. Zilli

    What type of Hingeback do I have? Help please

    Hey TheLastGreen! Thank you for such a swift response, I will look at that now and also keen to know what others think. I have actually watched a lot of Toms YouTube videos which have been very helpful. Additionally, I have this screenshot that might give an idea of gender, maybe? Is this...
  10. Zilli

    What type of Hingeback do I have? Help please

    Hello Hingeback and all Tortoise community! I have recently acquired a very cute Hingeback, we have named her Zilli. I was told that she was a male and about 2 years old but I feel she might be a little older but the age is of any huge concern, what i would really like to know categorically is...