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  1. KarenSoCal

    Calling All Members

    Rewritten to add @COmtnLady 's suggestion... Hello! Whether you are a "newby" tortoise keeper, have been keeping torts for years, or somewhere in between, welcome to TFO! If you've never visited our forum before you are now at the best site on the internet for up to date, accurate...
  2. KarenSoCal

    Calling All Members

    Thank you!
  3. KarenSoCal

    Calling All Members

    I agree that the fish list is overwhelming. The list written by the 4 toed Edward, I think, while being an excellent list, is also too cumbersome. A sizeable number of posts we get from newbies are written in a panic because the tort is sick or dying. If I was in that situation, I would look...
  4. KarenSoCal

    3 little platynota

    As you should be! They're too adorable for words! :)
  5. KarenSoCal

    Happy Birthday Maggie

    Happy Birthday Maggie!
  6. KarenSoCal

    What kind of ships? (bad pic)

    How about a sailing school? Not super likely, but who knows?
  7. KarenSoCal

    Owner has passed away

    @Cruz What species of tortoise do you have?
  8. KarenSoCal

    Owner has passed away

    Something is strange on this thread. We started with cruz, who has 8 adults in CA. Now we have Little Big Foot, who has 2 sulcatas in MO. Do we have 2 threads in one?
  9. KarenSoCal

    Death of the Scott Key Bridge

    I read that the ship lost power, so it would lose steering. The crew sent out a Mayday to the bridge authorities, giving them just enough time to stop traffic going onto the bridge. It would have been much worse with all the extra vehicles.
  10. KarenSoCal

    Dogs In Public?

    Gosh, Barb! Nowhere in my post do I say it's OK for a dog to bite someone! What I did say was that I don't think owners and others should be sued over incidents that involve very minor injuries. I also think that an assumption is made that it's always the dog's fault, when in reality, I...
  11. KarenSoCal

    Dogs In Public?

    I absolutely agree with you. Companion animals, like dogs, are meant to be companions, not locked away at home. I do agree though that some owners are so obnoxious that THEY shouldn't be allowed in public places. And for the most part, we have to put up with them. I don't like screaming...
  12. KarenSoCal

    Dogs In Public?

    Oh my! To get out of my house without having 4 dogs jump in the car ahead of me is a daily contest! They want to go, go, go! There is NO WAY that my dogs would rather be home. They hate staying at home, and many times I have felt so guilty about leaving them again and again. During the...
  13. KarenSoCal

    Baby Ducks

    I adore ducks! When I was a kid we got a pair of ducklings each Spring for 3 years. They were mine, and I had so much fun with them. Sometimes they would leave our yard and the phone would ring..."Karen, come get your ducks! They're in my garden!" And I would get them and herd them home...
  14. KarenSoCal

    OMG...what have I done??!!

    You are correct, Tammy. Mr. Green is more timid and shy than Ruger. I think it's because he is still smaller than the others. Sometimes his siblings piled up on him and I would rescue him. He can't afford to not be cautious. As for the love, believe me, I could spend all day loving on him!
  15. KarenSoCal

    OMG...what have I done??!!

    I don't know what's "normal", and I don't feel like weighing Ruger right now :) But Ruger has a heavier build than Mr. Green. I guess maybe you can see the difference in the pictures. Ruger: Mr. Green: He looks worried here 😒
  16. KarenSoCal

    OMG...what have I done??!!

    He's waiting for you, Tom! He's closing the size gap slowly but surely....he weighs 28 lbs now.
  17. KarenSoCal

    Little Mr. FreBee.

    There are 2 most important things to get right when training a dog of any age...timing and consistency. You need to reward, or rebuke, the dog at the exact moment the behavior occurs. If you are even a little too early or too late with the treat, then you have just rewarded possibly unwanted...
  18. KarenSoCal

    OMG...what have I done??!!

    Another update! This morning (Monday) I was up and using the bathroom when I hear a text message notification come in on my phone. Now, it's 4:45 AM, and I really want to go back to bed. But I check, and it says "saw your ad about your puppies. Do you have any left?" Of course I texted that...
  19. KarenSoCal

    OMG...what have I done??!!

    Cathie, I think your prediction is right on point! Petra ran full force into me with her 100 lb body a while back, and I ended up in the ER with a staple in my head. I already have troubles if I just bend over to pick something up. Ruger and his brothers are all over me with my face at their...
  20. KarenSoCal

    OMG...what have I done??!!

    Petra is doing fine, but still has her irritating habits. She's a dog that is exhausting to be with all day because she's so needy and clingy, and always blocking my way. I've bought her a Thundershirt, but haven't tried it yet. I'm hoping that it will help her settle down and not be so...