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  1. TortLife

    Tortoise Glass Awareness?

    Okay, so I'm a new owner and I'm confused if my tort is aware of glass. I've watched him walk into it repeatedly, but not around it. Does anyone know if they are aware glass is there? I'm assuming they don't (I mean, his head is small so his brain is small), but I was curious. Thanks!
  2. TortLife

    Will my tortoise fall off a balcony?

    Hi, My g/f and I would like to let our tortoise sun on our balcony. We are wondering if our tortoise would be aware of the balcony's edge or if it would just waddle over (and down). Thanks, Silky and Breezy Mae
  3. TortLife

    Shell Coloring - Russian Tortoise

    Hello, We are new Russian Tortoise owners. Since we purchased the tortoise, I have noticed the shell turning a dark almost black color. Is it possible the bulb in the enclosure is too warm and burning the shell? Any advice would be great! Thank you!