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  1. AjDaVinci

    Succulent ID

    Hi, so my friend had a bunch of dying succulents and I took them off her hands and my green thumbs have revived them 😂 Now all I need is help IDing them. It would be handy if my Hermann's tortoise could eat them since they're growing so fast. My guess is: Lace Aloe, crocodile plant, some kind...
  2. AjDaVinci


    Hi, we have been struggling with helping our tortoise gain weight for about a year now. We brought him to the vet for critical care, injections, tube feeding etc. We now inject him ourselves twice a week because we have to stop him from hibernating as he is too thin to hibernate. Vet says his...
  3. AjDaVinci

    Enrichment ideas?

    I did an animal husbandry course in college but it was very mammal focused. Trooper is an adventurous little Hermanns tortoise, and with very bad weather he has been inside a lot lately and he looks bored. Pacing, flipping etc. I have varying substrates, varying tunnels and climbing places, I...
  4. AjDaVinci

    Sick Hermanns tortoise

    I have a 7 year old Hermanns tortoise. He will not wake up from hibernation. I've tried bathing him daily, I've partitioned off his enclosure so he is in the warmer half as he defaults to burrowing in the cold half of his 5ft enclosure. It's still quite cold here in Ireland at this time of year...