Recent content by TammyJ

  1. TammyJ

    New tortoise parents

    I think he looks pretty good. Also the white lines mean he is growing, so I understand from experts here!
  2. TammyJ

    a few questions about my new Russian

    Not "iridescent" flood bulb, but rather, "incandescent" flood bulb.
  3. TammyJ

    8 Month Horsfield appears dead??

    I am sorry for your loss.
  4. TammyJ

    What do you do with the rats the sanke doesn’t eat?

    👋 Happy Birthday 🎂
  5. TammyJ

    Cuttle bone being devoured

    Couldn't they possibly choke on the small pieces?
  6. TammyJ

    Shell growing directly down into Tail

    @Tom @zovick , what do you think should be done at this point for the tortoise? And don't you see the pyramids? It seems to be there, and I think that it could be stopped if the conditions that are causing it are corrected now, in addition to the filing down of the shell where it's cutting...
  7. TammyJ

    Tortoises Fighting

  8. TammyJ

    Worried about my turtle

    Wow. Great advice and information! Stay with us and let us know the progress.
  9. TammyJ

    Unidentified bugs in enclosure

    It doesn't look dangerous. Where is the enclosure set up? What's the substrate?
  10. TammyJ

    Tortoises Fighting

    Yes, it's not amusing, and I think anyone who finds it funny should not be keeping tortoises. This demonstrates the actual physical contact fighting, but the constant silent oppression and crowding dominance is so often mistaken for "cuddling".
  11. TammyJ


    @Yvonne G @zovick @Tom
  12. TammyJ


    What tests are they planning to give him that will cost that enormous amount of money??!! Sounds like this is going to work out just fine for only one individual -- the vet!!! Familiar with this kind of situation. So disgusting.
  13. TammyJ

    Frozen vegetables???

    Keep him quarantined. I hope you know a good tortoise vet who is experienced with them and can properly advise and prescribe for him. Please keep us updated! Good luck.
  14. TammyJ

    Basking area

    I don't think they need anything to sit on and bask. Their normal substrate will do, like regular orchid bark. I would use the slate or tile for feeding on.