Recent content by EddieMaher

  1. E

    My tortoise won't eat, and is foaming at the mouth!

    Ha! I didn't even notice that. Hope the tort is well!
  2. E

    My tortoise won't eat, and is foaming at the mouth!

    Bring him back to the vet and ask them to administer the medicine. I have the vet tech do it at our clinic. If you are struggling its not gonna get easier. Getting him to open his mouth for you is gonna be tough. Will he eat anything, fruit etc? Split a small piece of banana and squirt the...
  3. E

    Frankie’s Outdoor Garden

    I initially was going to use a large terracotta base but was concerned I’d be creating a bird bath. So went with smaller tucked away pool
  4. E

    Frankie’s Outdoor Garden

    I think it’s the humidity outside. What I think is happening is at 7am I unlock the door for him to come out, the air outside is cooler and less humid coming into the house. I’ll watch it over the next week and see if he’s just acclimating
  5. E

    Frankie’s Outdoor Garden

    Yes, getting temps right is very tricky. I’ve played with the house for 2 years weeks before putting him in there. The temp reads around 78 where he sleeps in the indoor enclosure.
  6. E

    Frankie’s Outdoor Garden

    No wild mushrooms. I put white mushrooms out there for him. Yes, I see it mainly in the morning. The temp were he sleeps is set at 79. Do you think I should bring it down a degree or two?
  7. E

    Frankie’s Outdoor Garden

    Thank you. No, not wild mushrooms. I put white mushrooms out there for him.
  8. E

    Frankie’s Outdoor Garden

    I’ve officially moved my RF to the back yard. I waited a few weeks for our temps to come up and test out his house. He sleeps in this heated house each night. Temps at 80, humidity at 80-85. I’ve tried replicating his sleeping conditions to his indoor enclosures. He has 3 caves, multiple...
  9. E

    Frankie testing out outdoor enclosure

    Outside enclosure is 6x20 with a heated house. He inspected every inch. Can’t wait for temps to come up a bit more. Plants: 2 succulents 1 hibiscus 1 barberry fern 2 knock down rose bush 2 hostas 1 geranium 1 lavender Couple marigold
  10. E

    Ate a piece ReptiBark

    He’s crushing romaine now. I’ll soak him tonight and give home some watermelon tomorrow.
  11. E

    Ate a piece ReptiBark

    I’ll try that. I had no idea he was gonna be so aggressive with it.
  12. E

    Ate a piece ReptiBark

    Thank you. Hay is for bedding down. Not much in there. He seeks it out to sleep and lay down.
  13. E

    Ate a piece ReptiBark

    He’s got a dish. The cuttlebone got moved into the substrate. I think some got on the Reptibark and he wood it done. I don’t use those discs, in the center of those discs is a Thermo/humidity probe.
  14. E

    Ate a piece ReptiBark

    I gave Frankie a Cuttlebone that he’s been destroying. While I was watching him I saw him pick up a piece of Reptibark and swallow it. Is this a concern?